EJP-HUD is a custom HUD for Team Fortress 2 with a futuristic style and various features. It focusses mostly on combining a great gameplay-experience with looks, both for competitive and public use. It was designed by Ejp in a deep autumn of 2012, Eric started coding some basic elements and i took over the coding in september of 2014.
- Custom crosshairs
- Close captions
- Options for customization
- Toggleable scoreboard
- Support for 16x9, 4x3 and 16x10
- Support for both Windows and OSX
- Add full support for MvM
- Work out the design of various elements a bit better
##Installation## Extract the EJP-HUD master folder to ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom and you should be good to go! Also take a look at the HUD Installation Guide on huds.tf. It runs through all the basics of installing any HUD, both on Windows, Mac and Linux.
##Credits## EJP-HUD is actively supported by b4stian. Credit also goes to the following people for their help and support of the HUD's development.
Griever and Omni for answering all my questions concerned HUD editing.
Will and Cherry for actively testing and giving feedback on the HUD.
Cold Balls and Hergan for making modification which really improved the HUD.
Elmst for creating this amazing design.
Anakin for helping me out a ton with the fonts.
Jonny and Vabe well... for being who you are.