Google reCAPTCHA v2 implementation for Svelte SPA, SSR and sveltekit static sites.
- svelte server side rendering (SSR) friendly.
- works with sveltekit SPA, SSR and static site adapters.
- easy integration with third party form validation libraries.
- fail-safe loader to inject recaptcha.
- invisible recaptcha or checkbox recaptcha support.
- event model for intercepting various recaptcha states.
- handle all your form logic in a single submit handler.
- proper DOM cleanup (deletes recaptcha completely)
- documented, debug.js friendly source code.
- typescript definitions are included for LSP.
# install as a development dependency
pnpm install -D svelte-recaptcha-v2
Import the library onto your template and update your google key:
import { Recaptcha, recaptcha, observer } from "svelte-recaptcha-v2";
│Recaptcha: svelte <Recaptcha> component.
│recaptcha: google method, gives you recaptcha.execute().
│observer: allows you to track captcha state across components.
const googleRecaptchaSiteKey="replace_with_yours";
In your form, add the component:
on:ready={onCaptchaReady} />
Setup your event handlers:
const onCaptchaReady = (event) => {
console.log("recaptcha init has completed.")
│You can enable your form button here.
const onCaptchaSuccess = (event) => {
console.log("token received: " + event.detail.token);
│If using checkbox method, you can attach your
│form logic here, or dispatch your custom event.
const onCaptchaError = (event) => {
console.log("recaptcha init has failed.");
│Usually due to incorrect siteKey.
|Make sure you have the correct siteKey..
const onCaptchaExpire = (event) => {
console.log("recaptcha api has expired");
│Normally, you wouldn't need to do anything.
│Recaptcha should reinit itself automatically.
const onCaptchaOpen = (event) => {
console.log("google decided to challange the user");
│This fires when the puzzle frame pops.
const onCaptchaClose = (event) => {
console.log("google decided to challange the user");
│This fires when the puzzle frame closes.
│Usually happens when the user clicks outside
|the modal frame.
Update your form handler:
const submitHandler = async () => {
console.log("launching recaptcha");
console.log("pending for google response");
const event = await Promise.resolve(observer);
const recaptchaToken = event.detail?.token ? event.detail.token : false;
if (!recaptchaToken) {
console.log("recaptcha is NOT OK");
return false;
console.log("token retrieved", recaptchaToken);
If you would like to enable client side debugging, add {Recaptcha}
value to your localStorage DEBUG
If any trouble, please create an issue. PRs are most welcome.
- [] add recipes for validation libraries (felte, stock etc)
- [] look into mutation observers