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Exporting keras LSTM model to C++ headerfile ready to use on Arduino


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Headerify LSTM for C++

Headerify LSTM for C++ is a small tool for coverting keras (1-layer LSTM + dense a.k.a fully connected layer) LSTM model to C++ headerfile that can be uploaded directly on the Arduino device allowing for on-board classification.

The tool is based on the amazing project by Robert (moof2k) Wrose called kerasify.

Kerasify is a small library for running trained Keras models from a C++ application.

Headerify LSTM for C++ is a modification of kerasify focusing solely on LSTM networks, allowing, i.e. for on-board Activity recognition based on IMU readings (data from the accelerometer/gyroscope/magnetometer). Unlike kerasify it allows for convering keras .h5 directly to .h headerfile and then restoring the model and performing classification using this headerfile, without a need to use file streams. The tool was created with purpose to be used on the Arduino (or similar) devices, where reading from a file is impossible (at least on versions which do not support file access).

Design features

  • Not unit tested
  • Supports arbitrary number of LSTM cells followed by one Dense layer.
  • CPU only, no GPU
  • No external dependencies apart from STL for C++ code
  • Compatible with C++11
  • No file streams used (model stored as .h headerfile)
  • Supports the following activations: (Linear, ReLU, Softplus, Sigmoid, Tanh, Hard sigmoid)

Dependencies (C++ code)

  • Standard Template Library (STL) Lightweight version of STL library for Arduino can be found under the directory ArduinoSTL

Dependencies (Python code)

  • tensorflow
  • scipy==1.1.0
  • numpy==1.14.5
  • pandas==0.23.1
  • Keras==2.2.0
  • scikit-learn==0.19.1
  • h5py==2.8.0

First you should install Tensorflow (code was tested using Tensorflow 1.8). Then you can install dependecies with: pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Place your keras LSTM model.h5 in the models/ directory.
  3. Run python to create the headerfile. New file LSTM_model.h is created as a result.
  4. Test the model. Check test_cpp_model.cpp file as an example.
#include <iostream>
#include "keras_model.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "config.h"

int main() {

    KerasModel model;		// Initialize model
    model.LoadModel();		// Load the LSTM model

    Tensor in(x, y);	// Instantiate a tensor of shape (x,y)
	 Put your data to be classified (x * y numbers separated
	 by comma) inbetween the curly brackets "{}". You can
	 "push_back" since in.data_ is a <float> vector.
    in.data_ = { };

    Tensor out;		// This tensor will store the output
    model.Apply(&in, &out);		// Perform the calculations
    std::cout << softmax_to_label(out.data_) << std::endl;
    return 0;
  1. Compile with: g++ --std=c++11 -Wall -O3 test_cpp_model.cpp keras_model.cpp utils.cpp config.cpp -o output
  2. Check the output with ./output

Important notes

The output of the classification is a vector of numbers (after softmax). The function softmax_to_label (in utils.cpp) converts it into categorical values. These can be changed in the config.cpp file. allows for building a keras LSTM model (the script saves the model in models/ directory) based on the data.pckl file found in data/ directory. Here data.pckl contains readings from the accelerometer x-acceleration, y-acceleration, z-acceleration. uses with global variables that define how data is preprocessed in and with all hyperparameters of the LSTM network (i.e. learning rate, number of neurons). In short, the data is preprocessed using sliding window approach and the network is then trained on those windows of data (each window consists of a series of samples and one label associated with it).

More information on how data gets preprocessed can be found in my project on Fitness Activity Recognition with LSTMs.


Exporting keras LSTM model to C++ headerfile ready to use on Arduino







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