- Scans ColdFusion(cftag and cfscript) and Javascript files for declared functions.
- Outputs in html and/or text file the total functions found, files scanned, lines scanned.
- Two sample text scans are found in index.cfm.
- The javascript one has been changed to keep company information out of it.
- Create some javascript test files
- Finish javascript files --- nested js functions are giving me a little trouble
- Add a 'GENERAL' scan to give description of codebase by each file extension (.cfc, .cfm, .css, .txt)
- Cleanup cftag function output
local.scanner = createObject('component', 'Code-Scanner').init();
local.basePath = 'c:\source\cfmx\wwwroot\test\barrett\';
local.scanOptions = {
scanTitle: '<h2>ColdFusion Test</h2>',
scanType: 'ColdFusion',
outPath: local.basePath & 'Code-Scanner\resultsCF',
scanTarget: [
excludeContaining: [
showHtml: true,
sizeUnits: 'Bytes'
local.scanResults = local.scanner.scan(local.scanOptions);