Cosovo is an OCaml package, providing a CSV parser. Cosovo's parser includes support for:
- sparse rows
- header and header-less inputs
- integer, floating point, and string values
- comments
By way of example, consider the following valid input:
{2 "this is a string value associated with the third column", 0 -1e-10} # long line!
# this is a comment, followed by several empty lines
# another comment
{1000 1,2001 99.9}
The command-line tool csvcat
validates and echos its input,
stripping newlines and comments, if any (see csvcat --help
The interface to the package is rather simple:
let ch = open_in "myfile.csv" in
let header, row_seq =
match Cosovo.IO.of_channel ch with
| Ok h_rs -> h_rs
| Error _ -> (* parse errors *)
Seq.iter (
| Ok (`Dense dense) -> (* do something with dense row *)
| Ok (`Sparse sparse) -> (* do something with sparse row *)
| Error _ -> (* errors *)
) row_seq
The type of a row is:
type row = [ `Dense of dense | `Sparse of sparse ]
type value = [ `Int of int | `Float of float | `String of string ]
type dense = value list
type sparse = (int * value) list
The first element of each sparse cell - an integer - is the 0-based
index of its corresponding column. In the example above, the value
associated with the 2002-th column in the last row is 99.9
It is up to the user as to whether to interpret the first row as a data row or a header.
To install, use opam:
opam install cosovo