Data Matrix, QR, Aztec and Code 128 barcode creation by open source JavaScript program or office macros. Demonstration example page at GitHub
- Creates Data Matrix in square or rectangular pattern.
- Creates QR or micro QR barcode symbols.
- Creates Aztec, compact Aztec or Aztec rune barcodes.
- Creates PDF417, compact PDF417 or micro PDF417 barcodes.
- HTML, canvas, Scalable Vector Graphic or PNG/GIF pixel image output.
- One short and compact program for all barcodes.
- Available for office programs Excel, Access and Calc.
- Automatic mode encoding and barcode size selection.
- Algorithm could be easily adapted to individual requirements.
- Free and open-source software program under MIT license.
- size optimization for mixed data types in one symbol.
- no handling of special codes like FNC1 or ECI.
- Universal: runs on every browser, operating system or platform.
- Flexible: outputs vector or pixel images in adjustable design.
- Adaptable: modify or convert simple source code to your own desire.
The algorithm is available as Jasvascript: barcode.js.
For MS Office it is available as Excel: barcode.xlsm and Access: barcode.accdb.
And for Open/LibreOffice it is available as Calc: barcode.ods.
Go do something cool with it.
BarMatrixCode The Bar- and Matrixcode information (german)
ISO/IEC 16022:2006, Data Matrix barcode symbology specification (CHF 198.-)
Grandzebu Accueil, The Datamatrix code
Barcode Coder, Data Matrix specification
American Mathematical Society, Crypto Graphics
Denso Wave, the Inventor of QR Code
ISO/IEC 18004:2006, QR Code 2005 barcode symbology specification (CHF 198.-)
Wikiversity, Reed-Solomon codes for coders
ISO/IEC 24778:2008, Aztec Code barcode symbology specification (CHF 158.-)