Little program for copying all valid No-Intro roms from one or more input folders to an output folder, according to a specific No-Intro dat file. It also allows specifying what regions to copy in order to create 1G1R rom selections.
Supports specifying a header xml file for skipping certain headers present in roms (eg. Nes, more info here).
For more information on No-Intro and dat files, please visit
Project uses setuptools, so running the following should be enough:
python install
usage: datfile_copier [-h] --input_dir INPUT_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --dat
DAT_FILE [--verbose] [--header_xml HEADER_XML]
[--region_limit REGION_LIMIT]
Extract into output directory all valid roms according to No-intro dat file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_dir INPUT_DIR, -i INPUT_DIR
one or more input directories
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
output directory (directory must be empty)
no-intro dat file
--verbose, -v verbose up to two times
--header_xml HEADER_XML
path to xml with header skipping information
--region_limit REGION_LIMIT
Limit to comma separated region list (ordered by
Copy all roms in ./some_snes_roms_folder/
to ./valid_roms_folder/
using definitions in ./snes_dat_file.dat
datfile_copier -i ./some_snes_roms_folder/ -o ./valid_roms_folder/ -d ./snes_dat_file.dat
Same as above but use header xml:
datfile_copier -i ./some_nes_roms_folder/ -o ./valid_roms_folder/ -d ./snes_at_file.dat --header_xml ./No-Intro_NES.xml
Same as first example but limit to USA region and if missing EUR region:
datfile_copier -i ./some_snes_roms_folder/ -o ./valid_roms_folder/ -d ./snes_dat_file.dat --region_limit "USA,EUR"
Tested with snes datfile and nes datfile + headerxml.