This library can be helpful if you need to develop highload & stable data storage access layer. Unlike other data abstraction libraries Abstract Storage has a lot of caching, sharding, loggin & transactions emulation interfaces.
- Databases connection intefaces for MySQL, Mongo, Redis
- Data storages interfaces
- Key-Value for MySQL, Mongo, Redis, Memcache, Redis, File, Cached, Sharded
- Key-Object for MySQL, Mongo
- Queue for Redis, MemcacheQ, Memory
- Data storages requests loggers
- Transactions with commit-rollback support
- Data lockers for emulating transactions locks with auto unlock
- Storages sharding interface with static & dynamic partitioning support
Initialization of keys sharding interface generated by server-weight index & stored staticaly in MySQL table with caching in Redis and requests loggin in /logs/data.log
$shard = new Storage_Shard_MySQL(
new Storage_Shard_Keys_Provider_StoredKeys(
new Storage_Shard_Keys_Generator_Weights(Storage_Shard_Keys_Generator_Weights::getWeightsFromMultiArray(Config::$MYSQL_SHARD_SERVERS)),
new Storage_KeyValue_Cached(
new Storage_KeyValue_MySQL(new Storage_MySQL(Config::BASE_MYSQL_HOST, Config::BASE_MYSQL_USER, Config::BASE_MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config::BASE_MYSQL_DB, $this->logger), 'users_servers', 'server_id', 'user_id'),
new Storage_KeyValue_RedisPrefixed(
new Storage_Redis(Config::REDIS_HOST), Config::DATA_NAMESPACE_ALIAS . ':users_servers:', 60 * 60 * 12,
new Storage_Logger_File('/logs/data.log'),
new Storage_Locker_Redis(new Storage_Redis(Config::REDIS_HOST), Config::DATA_NAMESPACE_ALIAS . ':lock:')
Initialization sharded MySQL key-value storage
$storage = new Storage_KeyValue_Sharded(
new Storage_Shard_Clone($shard, function(Storage_MySQL $connection) {
return new Storage_KeyValue_MySQL($connection, 'users_sessions');
- Google Chrome extension PHP Console.
- Google Chrome extension JavaScript Errors Notifier.