- Create a folder where you want to download the NPM nodules, for example:
mkdir robot && cd robot
- Download the required modules:
npm install sphero serialport
Connect your Bluetooth to your Sphero
Run app.js as root, e.g. sudo node app.js
From POSTMAN, SOAPUI, etc. send a POST request to port 3001 to the following APIs:
- To make shapes: http://IP:3001/sphero/shape/{shape}/color/{color}
- To Change Colours:{color} - Notice it is color, not colour… This is just to be consistent with the Sphero internal APIs
Supported shapes and colors:
- Colors: blue, pink, yellow, green, red, surprise (this is a random one every time)
- Shapes: Square, Triangle, Line (it goes north and comes back)
That's it! Enjoying seeing your Sphero in Action via NodeJS...
Any question or comment drop an email to: barack.dorman@gmail.com
Thanks for watching...