This is a Prom Website designed to offer a fun and engaging experience for students. The site includes features like image galleries, anonymous messaging, voting, and more. It's fully responsive, and optimized for both mobile and desktop devices.
- Users can vote for nominees under various categories.
- Categories are displayed with student names and placeholder images.
- AJAX is used to prevent page reloading when voting.
- Buttons are disabled after voting, showing a "voted" status.
- Feedback is provided via a toast message.
- Users can send anonymous messages publicly.
- The form is AJAXified to show success or error toast messages without page reload.
- A flood regulator prevents multiple submissions within 5 seconds.
- Users can upload multiple images at once.
- Images can be dragged and dropped onto the page.
- PHP handles renaming files to avoid duplicates and restricts uploads to image files only.
- Uploaded images are stored in a MySQL database along with captions.
- A loading animation is shown during the upload process.
- Users receive a push notification upon successful or failed uploads.
- Displays all uploaded images in a responsive grid format.
- Clicking on an image opens a full-screen popup with the image, caption, and upload date.
- Infinite scrolling is implemented with a shimmer effect while loading more images.
- A floating action button allows quick access to the image upload form.
- HTML5/CSS3: For structuring and styling the web pages.
- JavaScript (ES6+): For front-end functionality and AJAX.
- PHP: For server-side processing, file handling, and database interactions.
- MySQL: For storing images, captions, and voting data.
- Font Awesome: For icons.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd abcc-prom-site
Set up the database:
- Create a MySQL database and import the
in the inc directory to create the required tables.
- Create a MySQL database and import the
Run the project:
- Place the project in your web server's root directory (e.g.,
for XAMPP). - Start your web server and access the site via
- Place the project in your web server's root directory (e.g.,
- Voting: Visit the voting page, select a category, and vote for your preferred nominee.
- Anonymous Messaging: Navigate to the messaging page, compose your message, and submit it anonymously.
- Upload Images: Go to the image upload page, drag and drop your images, add captions, and upload them.
- View Gallery: Browse the image gallery, click on any image to view it in full screen, and enjoy the animations.
- Name: Adegbola AbdulBaqee
- LinkedIn:
- GitHub:
- TikTok:
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Happy Prom! 🎉