albumcutter is a tool to download albums on youtube and break the audio into individual tracks based on a tracklist containing timestamps.
Specify the URL of the audio you wish to download, and copy the tracklist into your clipboard and invoke the command like so:
ac -d Top_20_Kevin_MacLeod
will ask you to confirm the contents of the clipboard in case you made a
In this example, you can rip the tracklist off of the video description. (pasted below for reference):
1. Cipher 0:00
2. Who Likes to Party 3:51
3. Scheming Weasel (faster version) 8:09
4. Sneaky Snitch 9:38
5. Wallpaper 11:55
6. Spazzmatica Polka 15:35
7. Pixel Peeker Polka - faster 17:10
8. Gaslamp Funworks 20:33
9. Merry Go 23:01
10. Fluffing a Duck 25:02
11.Hall of the Mountain King 26:09
12. Cut and Run 28:42
13. Mechanolith 32:17
14. Killing Time 33:12
15. At Rest 36:36
16. Pop Goes the Weasel 40:03
17. The House of Leaves 41:12
18. There It Is 44:38
19. Sovereign 45:28
20. Heartbreaking 51:21 - 52:56
Python 2.7
youtube-dl (latest version is reccomended, if not required)
To install albumcutter, run
with elevated permissions.
Alternatively, if you do not want to install and/or you are on windows, move
to albumcutter/
and run with python albumcutter/