- Open directory "C:\Program Files\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino"
- Backup original files :
- HardwareSerial.cpp
- HardwareSerial.h
- HardwareSerial_private.h
- Replace with files in HardwareSerial9bit folder
How To Use?
Using arduino mega, because there's more than one serial hardware
- Serial 0 for debug printing (serial from usb)
- Serial 2 for serial 9 bit reading (serial from 16, 17 arduino)
void setup (){
Serial.begin (115200); // debugging prints
//Serial1.begin (115200, SERIAL_8N1, true); // 9 bit mode
Serial2.begin (9600, SERIAL_8N1, true); // 9 bit mode
Serial.println ("--- starting ---");
void loop (){
if (Serial2.available ()){
Serial.println((int) Serial2.read (), HEX);
- SOLVED() using leonardo board
- https://forum.arduino.cc/t/mods-to-hardwareserial-to-handle-9-bit-data/89447/20
- From this url https://forum.arduino.cc/t/9-bit-software-hardware-serial/590266/13
- Using arduino pro micro (leonardo maybe).
- From this url https://forum.arduino.cc/t/9-bit-serial-implementation/104449
- Using arduino mega 2560 and Max485cpa chip.