A barcode reader compatible with SixLabors.ImageSharp using ZXing. Trying to remove System.Drawing.Common dependencies.
I created this library specifically to use with blazor but you can totally use this for other use cases!
This is a basic facade-library for the ZXing.Bindings.ImageSharp.V2 library which uses SixLabors.ImageSharp.
Included Features are:
- Barcode reading functionality that supports all ImageSharp image formats
- Decode Barcodes synchronously and asynchronously
- Get rich results from the decoding
- Fired events for better support in decoding loops
The library supports a vast majority of up-to-date .NET versions:
- .NET Standard 2.0+
- .NET Framework 4.7.2+
- .NET Core 3.1+
- .NET 5+
There are two ways to add the BarcodeReader.ImageSharp library to your projects:
- Open the command line and go into the directoy where your .csproj file is located, then execute this command:
dotnet add package BarcodeReader.ImageSharp
- Or add it in the GUI of Visual Studio 20XX:
->Nuget Package Manager
->Manage Nuget Packages for Solution...
Then add the following using to your C# files:
using BarcodeReader.ImageSharp;
And depending on your code, you probably need one or more of the following usings:
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png;
In the following code we use one of ImageSharps pixelformats IPixel<Rgba32>
which we will use to load PNG images from files.
string path = @"C:\images\qrcode.png";
// first we need to Load a image
Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load<Rgba32>(path);
// then we create a new BarcodeReader object
BarcodeReader<Rgba32> reader = new BarcodeReader<Rgba32>(types: ZXing.BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE);
// then we can get a result by decoding
BarcodeResult<Rgba32> result = await reader.DecodeAsync(image);
// then we can print out the result
if (result.Status == Status.Found)
else if (result.Status == Status.NotFound)
else if (result.Status == Status.Error)
Console.WriteLine("An error occured while decoding barcode");
If you're using the reader in a while loop, you can use the DetectedBarcode
event to only recieve BarcodeResult
s with a Status.Found
// add handler to event
reader.DetectedBarcode += Recieved_Handler;
// infite loop for demonstration purposes
while (true)
// recieve image from any method (not defined here)
Image<Rgba32> img = GetNewImage();
// decode the image. DetectedBarcode events are fired when a barcode could be found
await reader.DecodeAsync(img);
// handler which is called when a barcode could be detected by any Decode call
void Recieved_Handler(object sender, BarcodeEventArgs<Rgba32> e) { /* Do something with the result */ }