The core of fulfillment is the coordinator. This program operates as an Amazon SWF decider, managing and scheduling activity tasks for worker processes to complete.
Workers are independent processes that solve small parts of the fulfillment workflow. The FulfillmentWorker base class takes care of registering activity types and polling the matching activity queue.
NOTE: Activity type+version can only be registered ONCE!
SBT should take care of most of the dependencies for you; check build.sbt to see what is used You will also need a number of properties which are set in the config directory. Some of the property files include a .private file for settings that do not belong in source control:
- Add FTP credentials for each destination using this format. Each destination is represented using a config key. Replace in each line with the config key (e.g. localFtpHost or brandXFtpHost).
Deployment is done by running the deploy script
- Set the configs (keys, domain, region) to your deployment environment
- Set two environment variables aws to be used for deployment:
- The deployment keys are not used runtime, that uses IAM roles. Keys used for deployment must have permissions to S3, create a CF stack etc.
- If using a brand new region or domain: Set up the domains in the region:
- DynamoDB table
- SWF Region
- SES: Verify any email addresses you may use (until we go with prod access)
- From the project root, Run
$ ./deployment/deploy
:- run it with
to see the usage. Command line parameters can be used to set the aws region for deployment. - It generates a fat jar(containing all deps) using the sbt assembly plugin
- It packaged up the jar along with all the config files in a dir in
- It uploads the dir to Amazon S3
- It fills in a Cloud Formation Template
- It creates a Cloud Formation Stack based on the template. This involves:
- launching an auto scaling group for the decider / workers
- launch an EC2 instance for the dashboard
- execute and installation and launch script on the instances
- run it with
- When using the deployment script, workers, decider and dashboard all run on EC2 instances automatically.
- Before being able to run locally, you must have valid credentials in your environment:
- These keys need to have the same permissions in AWS as the IAM roles have: access SWF and S3 primarily.
- To run locally, use
in the project root to run some or all of the classes- Usage:
$python ./launcher [-j <jar name>] [<main name> ...]
- class name resolution will try to match the name to the list of defaults. This allows you to abbreviate by leaving a lot of namespace out. Ambiguous names result in the selection of the first match.
- Example,
$ ./launch_fulfillment -j myff.jar decider htmlrenderer
would run just the decider and htmlrenderer from myff.jar
- Usage:
- Without the launcher, the jar in contains all that is needed to run the code. Run the desired main using, for example:
java -cp target/scala-2.10/fulfillment-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.balihoo.fulfillment.workers.sendemailworker
- This will run the sendemail worker using the "config/" as the config file
- you can use a different properties file, or look for it in a different directory:
java -cp <jarname> <classname> [-p <propfile>] [-d <propdir>]
- Or you can just run from sbt: run
sbt run
from the project root and select the main to run
Development information can be found on the wiki