A collection of wallpaper generators
sudo apt-get install gcc imagemagick
git clone https://github.com/ba-sz-at/procedural-wallpapers.git
cd procedural-wallpapers/src
- Open lib/main.h for editing.
- Change WID and HEI to the width and height of your screen (pixels), and save.
- The previous command should have generated a wallpaper.jpg in src/out. Set it as your desktop background.
- Add the wp-gen script to your startup applications. This will change your wallpaper at each startup.
Perlin noise fed into a sigmoid function. |
Barnsley fern with mutation. |
Perlin flow field. |
Perlin noise fed into a cutoff function. |
Landscape (original source)
Simulated erosion using a midpoint displacement technique. |
Similar to a Brownian tree but faster to generate. |
Marrowlike (original source)
If a pixel is too dark, give it a random brightness. Scale to double size. Repeat. |
Transformations of the complex plane. |
Rec-tangles. |
Very simple interference pattern generator. |
Modular Perlin noise stretched along the x axis. |
The same complex function as in the Mesh program, but from a different perspective. |
- The landscape generator is shamelessly stolen from here: https://tyrellrummage.github.io/landscape/
- The marrowlike generator follows the recursive algorithm described here: http://pcg.wikidot.com/forum/t-79282/multiplicative-cascades-ish
- The fern generator uses a fractal image compression method that might be patented (I couldn't find much information about it)
All programs, except for those listed in the Disclaimers section, are in the public domain.