Script to run own eset mirror
- PHP 5.6+ or 7+
- unrar
- nginx(sample configurations in this file below) or other web-server
- copy nod32ms.conf.%lang% -> nod32ms.conf
- edit lines in nod32ms.conf
- set them into log/nod_keys.valid in format login:password:version
- run php update.php
- set in nod32ms.conf log_level = 5
- run php debuging_run.php to see all messages at console
- curl
- fileinfo
- iconv
- mbstring
- openssl
- pcre
- SimpleXML
- sockets
- zlib
@hourly [path to php] [path to update.php]
map $http_user_agent $dir {
default /index.html;
~^(ESS.*BPC.3) /eset_upd/update.ver;
~^(.*Update.*BPC\ (?\d+)) /eset_upd/v$ver/update.ver;
server {
listen 2221;
server_name [host];
access_log /var/log/nginx/[host]-access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/[host]-error.log;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
root [web_dir from nod32ms.conf];
location / {
root [web_dir from nod32ms.conf];
location /update.ver {
rewrite ^/update.ver$ $dir redirect;
location ~ /.ht {
deny all;