docker run -d \
--name minerd \
-e ALGO="scrypt" \
-e URL="stratum+tcp://" \
-e EMAIL="email-or-wallet-or-worker_name" \
-e PASSWORD="x" \
-e THREADS="1" \
Some pools have too high dificulty that they will kick you out of pool resulting Stratum connection interrupted. This is because you have very little hash power. So it is recommended to use all threads of devices like Raspberry Pi 4B and if possible overclocked. Miner was not tested on Raspberry Pi 5. Let me know what configuration worked for you.
- Pepecoin or anything that uses scrypt
- Install:
- Choose your distro and boot it (recommended debian)
- Execute commands:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y libjansson4 wget && wget --no-check-certificate && chmod 777 minerd-arm64
- Run it with
./minerd-arm64 -o stratum+tcp:// -u email.or-wallet-or-worker_name -p anything -t 1
If you dont specify -t, it will use all CPU threads and if it wont start, try running it with sudo. You can start it later by clicking sessions section in app. Please note that mining on devices with batteries can result in damage.
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro - 17 KH/s - threads 7 (8 crashes miner) - no modifications
- Xiaomi Mi A2 - 14 KH/s - all threads - running rooted ArrowOS custom rom
- Raspberry Pi 4B - 8 KH/s - all threads - no overclock