This environment allows the developer to manage packages between the distributed projects where code reuse is required.
Libraries such as Servce Defaults and Shared Kernels are good candidates.
Orchestration tooling can use any projects deployed as containers to the local registry to aid in providing additional custom infrastructure.
Add Baget as Package Source
dotnet nuget add source http://localhost:9002/v3/index.json --name baget
Use the following command in the same folder as the .csproj
to pack files ready for Baget.
dotnet pack --output nupkgs
Push the package to Baget.
dotnet nuget push ./nupkgs/ProjectName.nupkg -s http://localhost:19002/v3/index.json -k 8B516EDB-7523-476E-AF43-79CCA054CE9F
Add Containerisation Support to the project, run in the same folder as .csproj
dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers
Setup containerisation settings
In .csproj
file add ContainerRepository
and ContainerRegistry
elements with appropriate values.
<!-- Other Properties here -->
Publish to Local Registry, run this in the same folder as the .csproj
dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 -c Release -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer