Go to omdbapi.com to start using the API documentation
Use OMDb's 'By Search' parameters to return movie data based on the value of the search field. The data should return in JSON format.
Display search results on the page. The data should load inside the #movies ul
Display a placeholder icon when the API does not return poster data
If the search returns no movie data, display the text "No movies found that match: 'title'."
Make sure you add code comments to document how your code works
Use JSHint (see the link in the Project Resources section) to analyze your JavaScript and identify any errors or code-style problems
Make sure your program is free of syntax errors.
Filter the search by year of release
Link a movie to its IMDb page. Wrap the poster image -- or everything in the li -- in an anchor tag that links a movie to its imdb.com page
Create a movie description page. Load or link to a description page displaying a movie's title, year, poster, plot information, and IMDb rating
Live Demo of this project for peer review.