This .NET Standard package
provides a wrapper for FFmpeg.
FFmpeg is able to convert, decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, split and slice video and audio files
supporting pretty much any format out there.
With this package, using ffmpeg from your application is as simple as making a method call and using event listeners for result.
- Wraps the commandline tool ffmpeg.exe
- Provides events for progress, completion and for every line of ffmpeg console output.
- Targets .NET Standard 2.0
- ffmpeg process can be cancelled from code.
- Install package using nuget
Install Javi.FFmpeg from NuGet using the Package Manager Console with the following command
PM> Install-Package Javi.FFmpeg
Alternatively search on NuGet Javi.FFmpeg
- Download a copy of FFmpeg
Since this package is only a wrapper for FFmpeg, a copy of the ffmpeg.exe application must be available. FFmpeg builds can
be downloaded using links from the FFmpeg download site.
Windows builds can be downloaded from
Converting the format of a video file on the command line using FFmeg:
ffmpeg -i sample.mp4 sample.mkv
Implementation of that same command using this package:
Add to usings:
using Javi.FFmpeg
Instantiate an object of class FFmpeg, providing the full path to the local copy of the ffmpeg executable, and call the Run method:
using (var ffmpeg = new FFmpeg(@"<path_to_your_local_copy_of_ffmpeg>"))
string inputFile = "Sample.mp4";
string outputFile = "Sample.mkv";
string commandLine = string.Format($"-i \"{inputFile}\" \"{outputFile}\"");
ffmpeg.Run(inputFile, outputFile, commandLine);
Since FFmpeg implements the IDisposable interface the code is wrapped in a using statement.
Class FFmpegExtensions.cs provides extension methods on class FFmpeg where the FFmpeg.Run method is called with a commandline for specific tasks such as extracting a subtitle from a video file, extracting a thumbnail image from a video file or to cut a specific part out of a video or audio file. These extension methods provide examples of use. An application consuming this package could have its own specific extension methods implemented in a similar way.
A C# WPF demo application is available which uses all features of the package. Code from this demo should not be used in production code, the code is merely to demonstrate the usage of this FFmpeg package.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
The code in this package is based on the work from AydinAdn/MediaToolkit
This code is heavily simplified and refactored beyond recognition, where methods based on FFmpeg functionality have become calls to the ffmpeg
commandline using command line options. Custom command lines for use with ffmpeg are readily available on lots of support sites such as
stackoverflow, superuser and a multitude of blogs
using a good search query. A custom command can be easily implemented using method FFmpeg.Run.
Support for retrieving meta data from media files has been deleted. If meta data retrieval is required, I
suggest to use Javi.MediaInfo.
This package is a wrapper for MediaInfo which provides a wealth of information
from any video or audio file.
Sample video courtesy of