ESurfing thirdparty desktop client.
1.You can login automatically.
2.There is no need to confirm the UAC.
3.Startup params for server.
How to use:
1.Use startup params.
-username: Your account.
-password: Your account password.
-auto: Login automatically.
EAuthenticator.exe -username 1234 -password=1234
It will login with incoming params first.If login success,the incoming account will save to an encrypted file.
Use "-auto" param only that login with last account automatically.
2.In GUI,enter your account and password,then click the button,if you use this tool for the first time,it will require a NASIP.
About NASIP.You can get the information in the dialogue.
1:How can I login automatically?
A:Add a Windows startup item with startup param "-auto".
2:Why it always reminds me that some dlls is missing?
A:Please install the VC++ Redistributable Package 2010-2019.
Thirdparty API: