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Deploys BIG-IP in AWS Cloud

This Terraform module deploys N-nic F5 BIG-IP in AWS cloud,and with module count feature we can also deploy multiple instances of BIG-IP.


This module is supported from Terraform 0.13 version onwards.

It is tested against following provider/terraform versions

Terraform v1.1.8

  • provider v4.32.0
  • provider v3.4.3
  • provider v0.8.0
  • provider v3.1.1

Releases and Versioning

This module is supported in the following bigip and terraform version

BIGIP version Terraform 1.X Terraform 0.14
BIG-IP 17.x X X
BIG-IP 16.x X X
BIG-IP 15.x X X

Password Management

~> NOTE: By default bigip module will have random password setting to give dynamic password generation

~> NOTE: Users Can explicitly provide password as input to Module using optional Variable "f5_password"

~> NOTE To use AWS secret manager password,we have to enable the variable "aws_secretmanager_auth" to true and supply the secret name to variable "aws_secretmanager_secret_id" and also IAM Profile to "aws_iam_instance_profile"

~> NOTE End Users are responsible of the IAM profile setup, please find useful links for IAM Setup

BYOL Licensing

This Module uses PayGo BIG-IP image for the deployment (default). If you would like to use BYOL licenses, then these following steps are needed:

  • Find available images/versions with BYOL in SKU name using AWS CLI:

    aws ec2 describe-images --owners 679593333241 --filters "Name=name, Values=*BIGIP-16.1.3*BYOL*"

    Ex: "aws-marketplace/F5 BIGIP-16.1.3-0.0.12 BYOL-All Modules 2Boot Loc-220607230313-5f5a1994-65df-4235-b79c-a3ea049dc1db"

  • In the, modify f5_ami_search_name with the filter value like Name=name, Values=*BIGIP-16.1.3*BYOL*

  • Add the corresponding Registrationkeylicense key in DO declaration( Declarative Onboarding ), this DO can be added in custom run-time-int script ( as given in examples section ) or POST a Declarative Onboarding declaration as given in DO

    "myLicense": {
      "class": "License",
      "licenseType": "regKey",
      "regKey": "${regKey}"

Custom User data

  • By default custom_user_data will be null,bigip module will use default f5_onboard.tmpl file contents for initial BIGIP onboard connfiguration

  • If users desire custom onboard configuration,we can use this variable and pass contents of custom script to the variable to have custom onboard bigip configuration.( An example is provided in examples section )

module bigip {
  source                      = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                      = "bigip-aws-3nic"
  ec2_key_name                = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  mgmt_subnet_ids             = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_mgmt", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" =  ""}]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids      = ["securitygroup_id_mgmt"]
  external_subnet_ids         = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_external", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = ""}]
  external_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygroup_id_external"]
  internal_subnet_ids         = [{"subnet_id" =  "subnet_id_internal", "public_ip"=false, "private_ip_primary" = ""}]
  internal_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygropu_id_internal"]
  custom_user_data       = var.custom_user_data

Example Usage

We have provided some common deployment examples

!> NOTE: There should be one to one mapping between subnet_ids and securitygroup_ids (for example if we have 2 or more external subnet_ids,we have to give same number of external securitygroup_ids to module)

!> NOTE: Users can have dynamic or static private ip allocation.If primary/secondary private ip value is null it will be dynamic,else it will be static private ip allocation.

!> NOTE: With Static private ip allocation we can assign primary and secondary private ips for external interfaces, whereas primary private ip for management and internal interfaces.

!> NOTE: If it is static private ip allocation we can't use module count as same private ips will be tried to allocate for multiple bigip instances based on module count.

~> WARNING With Dynamic private ip allocation,we have to pass null value to primary/secondary private ip declaration and module count will be supported.

!> NOTE: Sometimes it is observed that the given static primary and secondary private ips may get exchanged. This is the limitation present in aws.

~>NOTE: If you are using custom ATC tools, don't change name of ATC tools rpm file( ex: f5-declarative-onboarding-xxxx.noarch.rpm,f5-appsvcs-xxx.noarch.rpm)

Below example snippets show how this module is called (Dynamic private ip allocation )

#Example 1-NIC Deployment Module usage
module bigip {
  source                 = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                 = "bigip-aws-1nic"
  ec2_key_name           = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  mgmt_subnet_ids        = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_mgmt", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" =  ""}]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids = ["securitygroup_id_mgmt"]

#Example 2-NIC Deployment Module usage
module bigip {
  source                      = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                      = "bigip-aws-2nic"
  ec2_key_name                = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  mgmt_subnet_ids             = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_mgmt", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" =  ""}]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids      = ["securitygroup_id_mgmt"]
  external_subnet_ids         = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_external", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = ""}]
  external_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygroup_id_external"]

#Example 3-NIC Deployment  Module usage
module bigip {
  source                      = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                      = "bigip-aws-3nic"
  ec2_key_name                = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  mgmt_subnet_ids             = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_mgmt", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" =  ""}]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids      = ["securitygroup_id_mgmt"]
  external_subnet_ids         = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_external", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = ""}]
  external_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygroup_id_external"]
  internal_subnet_ids         = [{"subnet_id" =  "subnet_id_internal", "public_ip"=false, "private_ip_primary" = ""}]
  internal_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygropu_id_internal"]

#Example 4-NIC Deployment  Module usage(with 2 external public interfaces,one management and internal interface.There should be one to one mapping between subnet_ids and securitygroupids)

module bigip {
  source                      = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                      = "bigip-aws-4nic"
  ec2_key_name                = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  mgmt_subnet_ids             = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_mgmt", "public_ip" = true }]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids      = ["securitygroup_id_mgmt"]
  external_subnet_ids         = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_external", "public_ip" = true },{"subnet_id" =  "subnet_id_external2", "public_ip" = true }]
  external_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygroup_id_external","securitygroup_id_external"]
  internal_subnet_ids         = [{"subnet_id" =  "subnet_id_internal", "public_ip"=false }]
  internal_securitygroup_ids  = ["securitygropu_id_internal"]

#Example to deploy 2 BIGIP-1 Nics using Module with module count feature
module bigip {
  count                  = 2
  source                 = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                 = "bigip-aws-1nic"
  ec2_key_name           = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  mgmt_subnet_ids        = [{ "subnet_id" = "subnet_id_mgmt", "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" =  ""}]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids = ["securitygroup_id_mgmt"]
  • Similarly we can have N-nic deployments based on user provided subnet_ids and securitygroup_ids

  • With module count, user can deploy multiple bigip instances in the aws cloud (with the default value of count being one )

Below is the example snippet for private ip allocation

#Example 3-NIC Deployment with static private ip allocation
module bigip {
  source                      = "F5Networks/bigip-module/aws"
  prefix                      = format("%s-3nic", var.prefix)
  ec2_key_name                = aws_key_pair.generated_key.key_name
  aws_secretmanager_secret_id =
  mgmt_subnet_ids             = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = ""}]
  mgmt_securitygroup_ids      = [module.mgmt-network-security-group.this_security_group_id]
  external_securitygroup_ids  = [module.external-network-security-group-public.this_security_group_id]
  internal_securitygroup_ids  = [module.internal-network-security-group-public.this_security_group_id]
  external_subnet_ids         = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = ""}]
  internal_subnet_ids         = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = false, "private_ip_primary" = ""}]

Required Input Variables

These variables must be set in the module block when using this module.

Name Description Type
prefix This value is inserted in the beginning of each aws object. Note: requires alpha-numeric without special character string
ec2_key_name AWS EC2 Key name for SSH access,managing key is out of band module, user can reference this key name from aws_key_pair string
mgmt_subnet_ids Map with Subnet-id and public_ip as keys for the management subnet List of Maps
mgmt_securitygroup_ids securitygroup_ids for the management interface List

Optional Input Variables

These variables have default values and don't have to be set to use this module. You may set these variables to override their default values.

Name Description Type Default
f5_username The admin username of the F5 BIG-IP that will be deployed string bigipuser
f5_password Password of the F5 BIG-IP that will be deployed string ""
f5_hostname Custom management hostname. Defaults to managemet public dns string ""
ec2_instance_type AWS EC2 instance type string m5.large
f5_ami_search_name BIG-IP AMI name to search for string F5 BIGIP-PAYG-Best 200Mbps
aws_secretmanager_auth Whether to use key vault to pass authentication bool FALSE
aws_secretmanager_secret_id AWS Secret Manager Secret ID that stores the BIG-IP password string
aws_iam_instance_profile AWS IAM instance profile that can be associate for BIGIP with required permissions string
DO_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
AS3_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Application Service Extension 3 (AS3) module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
TS_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Telemetry Streaming module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
FAST_URL URL to download the BIG-IP FAST module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
CFE_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Cloud Failover Extension module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
INIT_URL URL to download the BIG-IP runtime init module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
libs_dir Directory on the BIG-IP to download the A&O Toolchain into string /config/cloud/aws/node_modules
custom_user_data Provide a custom bash script or cloud-init script the BIG-IP will run on creation string null
onboard_log Directory on the BIG-IP to store the cloud-init logs string /var/log/startup-script.log
external_subnet_ids he subnet id of the virtual network where the virtual machines will reside List of Maps [{ "subnet_id" = null, "public_ip" = null }]
internal_subnet_ids The subnet id of the virtual network where the virtual machines will reside List of Maps [{ "subnet_id" = null, "public_ip" = null }]
external_securitygroup_ids The Network Security Group ids for external network List []
internal_securitygroup_ids The Network Security Group ids for internal network List []
tags key:value tags to apply to resources built by the module map {}
externalnic_failover_tags key:value tags to apply to external nic resources built by the module map {}
internalnic_failover_tags key:value tags to apply to external nic resources built by the module map {}
cfe_secondary_vip_disable Disable Externnal Public IP Association to instance based on this flag (Usecase CFE Scenario) bool FALSE
sleep_time The number of seconds/minutes of delay to build into creation of BIG-IP VMs string 300s

~> NOTE: For each external interface there will be one primary,secondary private ip will be assigned.

Output Variables

Name Description
mgmtPublicIP The actual ip address allocated for the resource
mgmtPublicDNS fqdn to connect to the first vm provisioned
mgmtPort Mgmt Port
f5_username BIG-IP username
bigip_password BIG-IP Password (if dynamic_password is choosen it will be random generated password or if aws_secretmanager_auth is choosen it will be aws_secretsmanager_secret_version secret string )
private_addresses It is List of Maps all privates address assigned for Mgmt/External-Public/External-private/Internal
public_addresses It is List of Maps all public address assigned for External-public-primary/ External-public-secondary
bigip_instance_ids List of BIG-IP AWS Instance IDs Created
bigip_nic_ids List of BIG-IP network interface IDs

~ NOTE: IF you want to access External interface private IPs, you need to filter it form private_addresses map like below:

  output "external_public_primary_private_ip" {
    description = "List of BIG-IP private addresses"
    value       = flatten([for i in range(length(module.bigip.*.private_addresses)) : module.bigip.*.private_addresses[i]["public_private"]["private_ip"]])

~> NOTE: A local json file will get generated which contains the DO declaration

BIG-IP Automation Toolchain InSpec Profile for testing readiness of Automation Tool Chain components

After the module deployment, we can use inspec tool for verifying the Bigip connectivity along with ATC components

This InSpec profile evaluates the following:

  • Basic connectivity to a BIG-IP management endpoint ('bigip-connectivity')
  • Availability of the Declarative Onboarding (DO) service ('bigip-declarative-onboarding')
  • Version reported by the Declarative Onboarding (DO) service ('bigip-declarative-onboarding-version')
  • Availability of the Application Services (AS3) service ('bigip-application-services')
  • Version reported by the Application Services (AS3) service ('bigip-application-services-version')
  • Availability of the Telemetry Streaming (TS) service ('bigip-telemetry-streaming')
  • Version reported by the Telemetry Streaming (TS) service ('bigip-telemetry-streaming-version')
  • Availability of the Cloud Failover Extension( CFE ) service ('bigip-cloud-failover-extension')
  • Version reported by the Cloud Failover Extension( CFE ) service('bigip-cloud-failover-extension-version')

run inspec tests

we can either run inspec exec command or execute in any one of example nic folder which will run below inspec command

inspec exec inspec/bigip-ready  --input bigip_address=$BIGIP_MGMT_IP bigip_port=$BIGIP_MGMT_PORT user=$BIGIP_USER password=$BIGIP_PASSWORD do_version=$DO_VERSION as3_version=$AS3_VERSION ts_version=$TS_VERSION fast_version=$FAST_VERSION cfe_version=$CFE_VERSION

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Terraform module for Deploying BIG-IP in AWS







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