- This application fetches and displays Cafeyn topics.
- It is built using Xcode 15.3 and follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern for a clean and maintainable codebase.
- A separate Swift Package Manager (SPM) package handles networking, ensuring modularity and reusability.
- The code is highly testable, with unit tests covering all use cases.
- I kept the scope relatively small and aimed the show architechting and iOS skills, further improvements can be done.
- The data layer is clearly seperated from UI Layer.
- All the dependencies injected and abstracted, which can be easily injected.
- The view only has the view logics such as laying out the view, animations etc.
- There's a small swiftui view to show it can be used from UIKit as well.
Opening Xcode and running the project will be enough, no further action is needed to run the app.