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azakhi edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the GDModdingTool wiki!


Download and Installation

Latest version of the tool can be downloaded from here. Download and extract files. It is a portable program, doesn't require installation.

Setting up Grim Dawn for Modding

This tool requires base game files to be extracted. You can use official tools to extract files. This can be done automatically by using ExtractFiles.bat file that you can find in downloaded files. Run it and enter game path (where Grim Dawn.exe is) when promted. It will check for expansions and extract them too. When promted for output path, you need to give path of folder you want files to be extracted. If you do not enter anything and just hit enter, it will extract to database folder under base game folder. This has no harm and a fine option.

Creating a new Mod (Optional)

You can use AssetManager.exe to create a new mod with base folders. Run it and choose Work Offline. From top menu, select Mod > New... and create a new mod. This will create a folder with the name you chose in <game path>\mods folder. This new folder should be given as $ModDirectory path in configuration file (explained in more detail later).

Configuration File and Customizations

This tool requires a configuration file named config.txt in the same folder tool is located at. This file has a special format.

File format

Configuration file consists of 3 different types of lines based on their first character.

  • Lines starting with $ sign are special lines that define options. Those line shouldn't contain anything other than special texts defined in below section.
  • Lines starting with # sign are comment lines. Those lines are ignored by the program. You can use write your own comments same way.
  • Any other line is tried to be parsed by program (other than empty line or lines with only spaces). A line that is not recognized is not likely to throw an error but logged by the program.

Creating configuration file

Easiest way to create one is copying an example file located in Example Configurations folder and renaming it. Following configurations needs to be defined in this file:

Source File Directory

The path to the extracted files. Database files are extracted to records subfolder generally and you need to give path of that folder. Usage:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\database\records\

Additional Source File Directory (Optional)

The path given here is also used as source and files with same path (path from base folder to file) overrides base game files. Use this option if you want to modify another mod. This path should also be path of records. Usage:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\MyCustomMod\database\records\

Output Directory

The path where output of tool should be put. The output is structured as it should be for a mod. You can give path of base folder of a mod (mods are located in <game path>\mods). Usage:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\test\

Source Subdirectories

List of subdirectories to scan for files. This option can be used to limit files to be modified. Also useful for preventing scanning unnecessary files. Unless you need to limit files, use the following example (it covers all available customizations): Usage:


Additional Mods (Optional)

There are some small mods (currently only 2) that can be added to your custom mod. These mods can be added by simply adding special lines (see examples and explanations here). Usage:



Customizations you want need to be defined in configuration under a special line. The list of all customizations and examples can be seen here. Usage:

AdjustExpRequirement 0.66
SetMaxLevel 120

Running Program

After you have done required setup, you can run program simply by double-clicking it. Based on your system (and sometimes when the program runs first time), it might take a while for it to complete all operations. It shows information on progress and when done, exit program simply by hitting Enter.

Compiling Your Mod

After program finishes, you will have modified source files in the folder defined by you. Those files need to be compiled to use as a mod. You can do this with official tools.

Compiling Database files

If files are under game mods folder, database files can be compiled using AssetManager.exe that can be found in base game folder. From top menu select Mod > Select > YourModName. Then from top menu select Build > Build. Wait for program to complete compilation.

Compiling Archives

If you didn't use any additional mod or didn't add other files yourself, this step is not required. If files are under game mods folder, archive files can be compiled using AssetManager.exe that can be found in base game folder. From top menu select Mod > Select > YourModName. Then from top menu select Archive > Build.... Wait for program to complete compilation.

Compiling with Caravan & Backpack

Building your mod through Asset Manager might remove assets inside Caravan & Backpack mod. To fix this, copy OptionalMods\CaravanExtreme\CopyOnly\resources folder into Grim Dawn\mods\Your Mod.

Activating Mod

After mod files are compiled, you can choose mod in game through Custom Game.

Deleting Source Files (Optional)

If you want to delete source files to save space for example, files under following folders can be deleted without a problem.

<source files directory>
<mod directory>\database\records\