Main target: I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.
Actually it is a challenge for 100 days to make a habit of everyday coding to develop my skill sets. I inspired by Alexander Kallaway #100DaysOfCode challenge. More details about the challenge can be found here: or the official repo.
Start Date | End Date |
25 Oct, 2021 | 2 Feb, 2022 |
- Make habit of coding daily & learn everyday
- Make some real world projects for my portfolio
- Get a good grap on Node JS & server-side javascript
- Complete FCC certification
No | Project Title | Completed On |
1 | Dynamic Programming (Recursion and memoization) | Day 1 |
2 | Dynamic Programming (Tabulation) | Day 2 |
3 | fcc certificate (Algorithms and Data structure) and mo.js library | Day 3 |
4 | fcc certificate (Backend Development and APIs ) and Tribute page | Day 4,Day 4 |
5 | fcc Random Quote Generator & Mark Down Parser | Day 5,Day 5 |
6 | Strapi and React Todo App | Day 6 |
7 | Strapi and React Todo App | Day 7 |
8 | Strapi and React Todo App | Day 8 |
9 | Strapi and React Todo App | Day 9 |
10 | Flex css | Day 10 |
11 | Coding Interview Prep | Day 11 |
12 | Graphs | Day 12 |
13 | Graphs | Day 13,Day 13 |
14 | Binary Tree Problems | Day 14 |
15 | Stack | Day 15 |
16 | Stack | Day 16 |
17 | survey from design | Day 17 |
18 | algorithms problem | Day 18 |
19 | flutter bloc | Day 19 |
20 | flutter initail project setup with bloc and hydrated bloc | Day 20 |
21 | flutter app login flow | Day 21 |
22 | Strapi api updates and bug fixes for react app | Day 22 |
23 | Technical document page design | Day 23 |
24 | Product Landing Page | Day 24 |
25 | DSA | Day 25 |
26 | DSA | Day 26 |
27 | DSA | Day 27 |
28 | DSA | Day 28 |
29 | DSA(Binary Tress Summation problems) | Day 29 |
30 | mobile nav design | Day 30 |
31 | Movie App | Day 31 |
32 | Mini Projects | Day 32 |
33 | Image Gallery App(React) | Day 33 |
34 | NFT CARD Design | Day 34 |
35 | Event key viewer | Day 35 |
36 | Recipe app | Day 36 |
37 | Hint for lables | Day 37 |
38 | Go Language Basics | Day 38 |
39 | Go Language Basics | Day 39 |
40 | Nuxt 3 beta | Day 40 |
41 | Nuxt 3 beta | Day 41 |
42 | Nuxt 3 beta | Day 42 |
43 | Nuxt 3 beta | Day 43 |
44 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 44 |
45 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 45 |
46 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 46 |
47 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 47 |
48 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 48 |
49 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 49 |
50 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 50 |
51 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 51 |
52 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 52 |
53 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 53 |
54 | Laravel Full Stack Project & trees Design from json | Day 54 & Day 54 |
55 | Laravel Full Stack Project | Day 55 |
56 | React Mini-Cart | Day 56 |
57 | React Redux | Day 57 |
58 | Laravel mix | Day 58 |
59 | svelte | Day 59 |
60 | svelte | Day 60 |
61 | svelte | Day 61 |
62 | svelte | Day 62 |
63 | svelte | Day 63 |
64 | svelte | Day 64 |
65 | svelte & Laravel notification | Day 65 |
66 | Django | Day 66 |
67 | Django | Day 67 |
68 | Django | Day 68 |
69 | Django | Day 69 |
70 | Docker practice | Day 70 |
71 | python programs | Day 71 |
72 | Django | Day 72 |
Today's Progress:
- Solved 5 dynamic programming problems
- Learned how to use memoization with recursion by using the classic example of fibonacci series.
- Learned how tackle dynamic programming problem and how to optimize it.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Using memoization to optimize time
- Calculate time complexity.
Thoughts: Good experience learning the fundamentals of dynamic programming.
Today's Progress:
- Solved 2 dynamic programming problems
- Learned how to use tabulation statergy to solve dynamic programing problem
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Using Tabulation Statergy
Thoughts: Good experience learning the dynamic programming tabulation statergy.
Today's Progress:
- Solved javascript data structure algorithm certification problems on
- Learned the moj.s libaray for animation in javascript
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- moj.s timeline usage
Thoughts: Overwhelmed with certification of javascript data structure algorithm at
Today's Progress:
- Completed Backend Development and API's certification at
- Build Tribute Page challange at
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Nodejs Api working using express
- using body-parser to parse request body.
Thoughts: Good experience with building api with nodejs.
Today's Progress:
- Completed freecodecamp Build a Random Quote Machine project
- Completed freecodecamp Build a Markdown Previewer project
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Learned marked.js library
- Learned the quote api and brushed up some jquery concepts
Thoughts: library's can br used to make life easier.
Today's Progress:
- Create a starter project for todo app with starpi as backend with MongoDB as database.
- Create a react starter project with tailwindcss as the css framework for styling.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Configuring Tailwindcss with react using CRACO as Create React App doesn’t let you override the PostCSS configuration natively, we also need to install CRACO to be able to configure Tailwind.
Thoughts: Pretty Good for the intial setup.Will need to craete a board on github for better organisation of project.
Today's Progress:
- Completed user authentication
- Completed with dashboard design
- Completed with fetching todo and crating todos.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Strapi doesont fetch the todos for that particular user need to create a custom controller for it.Will have to look into it.
Thoughts: Strapi is good cms but lacks in some area but it will evolve enventually. Still a great idea to learn this framework.
Today's Progress:
- Completed fetaching user related todo using custom controller.
- Completed with todos adding and filtering.
- Completed the mark todo as complete functionality.
- Fixed Design issues
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Strapi does not fetch the todos for that particular user need to create a custom controller for it and fetch the todos with userid
Thoughts: Need to explore more.
Today's Progress:
- Completed delete a todo feature.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Delete api endpoint for strapi
Thoughts: Need to polish the application more
Today's Progress:
- Completed flex box css on freecodecamp.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- css flex properties
Thoughts: need to do more
Today's Progress:
- Solved 2 problems for project euler from freecodecam interview prep
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- fibonacci logic revisited
Thoughts: Let the coding begin
Today's Progress:
- Implemented the depth first and breadth first traversal in javascript
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Revisted travel techniques used for tree travesal
Thoughts: Using data structures like stack and queue can really the way a problem can be solved.
Today's Progress:
- Implemented the depth first and breadth first traversal in javascript to solved problems
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Implemented traversal techinque to solve problems
Thoughts: getting there
Today's Progress:
- practiced binarytree problems on leetcode
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- solving approach to binary tree problems
Thoughts: getting there
Today's Progress:
- Revisted Stack Data Structure
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Solving problems using stack
Thoughts: Alvin's video is a great source to learn
Today's Progress:
- Solved problems on leetcode
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Solving problems using stack
Thoughts: Need to solve more problems
Today's Progress:
- Did survey from design
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- flex
Thoughts: Manage time
Today's Progress:
- Solved intermediate algorithms problem on freecodecamp
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Algorithms
Thoughts: Manage time
Today's Progress:
- Flutter inital setup
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- flutter bloc
Thoughts: State managment using bloc is awesome
Today's Progress:
- Flutter inital setup with
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- flutter bloc and hydarted bloc
Thoughts: State managment using bloc is awesome
Today's Progress:
- Flutter login flow
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- flutter bloc and hydarted bloc
Thoughts: State managment using bloc is awesome
Today's Progress:
- Did some changes to todo api created with strapi.
- Added filter logic to the api.
- Did changes to the react frontend and fixed issues.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Using filetrs in strapi
Thoughts: Getting strong with strapi and nodejs
Today's Progress:
- Created technical document page design
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- css tricks
Thoughts: Getting strong with css
Today's Progress:
- Created Product Landing Page
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- css tricks
Thoughts: Getting strong with css
Today's Progress:
- Solved problem to convert string to postfix,infix and prefix using stack
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Using stack
Thoughts: Getting strong with DSA
Today's Progress:
- Solved problems on leet code
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Dp
Thoughts: Getting strong with DSA
Today's Progress:
- Solved staircase problem
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Dp and recursion
Thoughts: Getting strong with DSA
Today's Progress:
- Solved geeksforgeeks problem
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Dp and recursion,complexity analysis
Thoughts: Getting strong with DSA
Today's Progress:
- Solved geeksforgeeks problem
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Dp and recursion,complexity analysis
Thoughts: Getting strong with DSA
Today's Progress:
- mobile nav design
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- css and html tricks
Thoughts: Getting strong with basics
Today's Progress:
- movie app design
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- css and html tricks
Thoughts: Brushing up with basics
Today's Progress:
- Home page for mini projects
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- css and html tricks, github pages deployment
Thoughts: Github pages can be used for small from scratch js applications
Today's Progress:
- Created Image Gallery App using react and tailwind css
- Got a recall on react hooks
- used fetch api for api calls
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Configuring tailwindcss with react
- fetch for api calls
Thoughts: getting better at react
Today's Progress:
- Created NFT Card design using tailwind css
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Frontend mentor challenges
Thoughts: getting better at tailwindcss and design
Today's Progress:
- Created Event key code viwer app Link to work:
- Event key code viwe
New thing(s) learned:
- Event object in javascript
Thoughts: getting better at javascript
Today's Progress:
- Created Recipe app in nuxt js Link to work:
- Recipe App
New thing(s) learned:
- configuring axios for nuxt
Thoughts: Need to add more features to application
Today's Progress:
- Created a simple Hint component using tailwindcss and nuxt with user defined config for the ripple and the hint box.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Creating component using props efficently
Thoughts: Feeling good with the code for component created
Today's Progress:
- Started learning go lang Link to work:
- go lang
New thing(s) learned:
- basics and setting up go lang
Thoughts: Excited for the new language
Today's Progress:
- Started learning go lang
- created a function to fetch todos
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- basics and setting up go lang
- passing values to functions and string concatination
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring
Today's Progress:
- nuxt 3 demo application
- started with design in it. Link to work:
- Freelacer
New thing(s) learned:
- basics and setting up nuxt project
- configuring tailwindcss
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring
Today's Progress:
- nuxt 3 demo application
- started with design in it.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring
Today's Progress:
- nuxt 3 demo application
- continued with design.
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring
Today's Progress:
- nuxt 3 demo application
- Created a section for the design
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring
Today's Progress:
- created database design
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: migration creation
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- structuring application
- migration changes
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: service providers and adding custom routes in laravel
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desinging
- migration and database updates
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desinging
- migration and database updates
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desinging and booking system
- migration and database updates
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desinging and booking system
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desinging system
- tailwind 3 fixes
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desinging system
- tailwind 3 fixes
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desing fixes
- payement process implementation
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desing fixes
- payement process implementation
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desing fixes
- payement process implementation
- added a dailog for booking
- created a tree design using nested json
Link to work:
- turfer
- [nested json tree]
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Desing fixes
- payement process implementation
- added a dailog for booking
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: routing using ziggy
Thoughts: Need to keep exploring laravel
Today's Progress:
- Did a challenge to create a mini cart in react
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: using state and storing data in loacal storage
Thoughts: concepts in react
Today's Progress:
- Did a challenge to create a mini cart in react
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: using state and storing data in loacal storage
Thoughts: concepts in react
Today's Progress:
- Laravel mix demo
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: using laravel mix
Today's Progress:
- learned fundamentals of svelte framework
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework
Today's Progress:
- learned fundamentals of svelte framework
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework
Today's Progress:
- learned fundamentals of svelte framework
- store and props passing
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework
Today's Progress:
- learned fundamentals of svelte framework
- store and props passing
- adding tailwindcss to svelte app
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework and tailwindcss
Today's Progress:
- learned fundamentals of svelte framework
- And working with firebase
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework and firebase
Today's Progress:
- learned fundamentals of svelte framework
- And working with firebase
- created todo app
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework and firebase
Today's Progress:
- notification in laravel
- And working with firebase
- bug fixes svelte todo app
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: svelte framework and firebase
Today's Progress:
- learned creating virtual enviroments for pyhton development
- started with django pyhton framework
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: exploring pyhton frameworks
Today's Progress:
- learned creating virtual enviroments for pyhton development
- started with django pyhton framework
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: exploring pyhton frameworks
Today's Progress:
- learned creating virtual enviroments for pyhton development
- started with django pyhton framework
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: exploring pyhton frameworks
Today's Progress:
- learned creating virtual enviroments for pyhton development
- started with django pyhton framework
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: exploring pyhton frameworks
Today's Progress:
- Docker practice
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: Docker practice
Today's Progress:
- Some simple pyhton scripts
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: Some simple pyhton scripts
Today's Progress:
- Some simple pyhton scripts
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: Some simple pyhton scripts
Today's Progress:
- Some simple pyhton scripts
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned: Some simple pyhton scripts