Link to APK :
Newsline is an android application made with flutter which makes use of to fetch and serve the latest and trending news as per the user's location. The location is taken in realtime and not stored anywhere except the user's device.
On App Launch:
- Get User's location
- Geocode the coordinates to get location details
- Pass the country code to get relevant news
- Fetch and Store the news artciles to offline database.
- If its the first launch, redirect to onboarding flow, to highlight major features, then proceed to 6.
- Main screen of the application, displaying the master list of news articles.
- Clicking on a card redirects to the details of the article.
- News always relevant based on location
- Offline availability of articles
- Share articles across apps
- Jump to article on the web
- Bookmark articles for reading later
- Pull to refresh wherever articles are listed
- Search from fetched articles
- For the Repository to your Github Account
- Clone the Repository
git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/newsline.git
- Make some changes, commit, push and Open a Pull Request
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