I developed this app when I was in my internship. This application can record the user's agenda according to the specified date and shows the marker of each agenda on the map so that the user knows how many agendas they have and where the agenda takes place. I'm using Google Maps API for showing the maps and putting the custom marker for the agenda, and Google Places API for collecting the location data. I also use SQLite database for database system (I wish i can use ROOM Database someday).
This is the first time i'm using API for my application. That was quite hard for me to use it. Even I still can't fix the inflating map fragment problem. However the application can still running perfectly. Not only for using API, when i developed this application i learned a lot of new knowledge and strengthen the knowledge that I have learned before. I'm quite proud of my application and myself for not giving up on android development.
Hopefully my knowledge will grow along with my journey to develop mobile applications!