A free, open-source solution for anyone to take a mobile audiogram on the phone. The audiogram can then be used in tandem with the hearing aid tool to allow users to use headphones as a subsitute to aids. This solution is to give users a backup option if hearing aids break, are forgotten, or simply can't be afforded. It is crucial that this technology remains free so that anyone with hearing difficulties, a headset, and a phone, can access the hearing world. This solution does not provide support for those who are profound/deaf, but can gauge if a user is labelled in that catergory via the audiogram.
- SOW / Definition
- Competitive Analysis / Research
- User Needs and Expectations
- Wireframes
- Skeleton / Framing
- Input Device Control
- Output Device Control
- Audiogram Component
- Audiogram Export
- Hearing Aid Component
- Audiogram to Hearing Aid Connect
Platforms: iOS, macOS, Android, Windows 10/11, Web
Framework: .NET MAUI, .NET MAUI Blazor