- git clone the repo
- run "composer install"
- set up a virtual host pointing to the web folder in apache/nginx
- in settings.php adapt the path to the config folder
$config_directories['sync'] = 'sites/default/config_migrate/sync';
Drush 8 ist required.
drush site-install config_installer \
--db-url=mysql://DBUSERNAME:DBPASSWORD@ \
--account-mail="admin@example.com" \
--account-name=admin \
--account-pass=some_admin_password \
--site-mail="admin@example.com" \
If you correctly set up the path in settings.php to the config folder, all settings will be imported during the site install.
Because of the CMI all yml files in the config/install directory are only imported when installing the module. This is very impractical if one want to develop new configuration files. To solve this, a module "Configuration Development" is part of this installation. It is possible to import certain yml files on every request. But unfortunatly drush commands are not supported. So we need to add this files we want to import to a new section in our module.info.yml.
- migrate_plus.migration.page_node
- migrate_plus.migration.menu_item
- migrate_plus.migration_group.liip
Then we can run the following commands after updating the yml file. This will import the new configuration file into CMI.
drush cdi migrate_menu
drush cr
drush migrate-status (ms) drush migrate-import (mi)
drush mi page_node
drush mi menu_item --update
Let's write an importer for a json source, usually a rest interface.
I propose we use this JSON data: http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts
Import the posts into a node type "post"
Then we import the comments referencing the posts. http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments