Custom DLL for CAM86 DIY camera (Sony ICX453AQ sensor)
This project is based on work of Ukrainian telescope amateurs. Most of their work is shared on this huge forum thread.
The current work is described here.
The source code for the camera firmware can be found here while the ASCOM driver can be found here.
Original Indi driver for Cam86
Gilmanov Rim (Гильманов Рим) - original camera hardware and low-level camera interaction
Sergiy Vakulenko - Original ASCOM driver
Their code is shared on Sergiy Vakulenko 's Github
Luka Pravica - current modifications/extensions/customisations to the firmware, low-level driver and ASCOM driver
All derived work from this code must be kept free and opensource as governed by GPL v2 or later (see the included file COPYING).