These are the complete notes, practice exercises, installation, etc for the Hands on Solidity Ethereium udemy course.
The live notebook can be found at
List of contents:
- Introduction
- Section 1
- Section 2
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Section 5
- Section 6
- Section 7
- Section 8
- Section 9
- Section 10
- 1 - Intro Truffle, EthereumJS, etc
- 2 - Different versions of Truffle
- 3 - Truffle Webpack Folder Structure
- 4 - Let's implement our shared wallet
- 5 - Taking a loot at the multiwallet
- 6 - Testing our wallet
- 7 - Implementing FrontEnd for Web3
- 8 - Finalising frontend
- 9 - Listening to events
- 10 - Ethereum Studio
- 11 -
- 12 - What Eth Studio can do for us
- 13 - Deploying Contract to Real Chain
- Section 11