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Releases: axkirillov/hbac.nvim

Telescope extension!

30 Oct 09:58
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What's Changed

The telescope picker has been moved into a telescope extension. This removes telescope as a dependency for hbac and enables lazyloading telescope separately from hbac when using the picker. Implemented by @Nimjii in #17

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0

New features (and breaking changes)

06 Oct 11:21
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What's Changed

  • Options can now be passed to the telescope picker!
vim.keymap.set("n", ",ht", function()
    local default_opts = {
        show_all_buffers = true,
        sort_mru = true,
        sort_lastused = true,
        ignore_current_buffer = true,
        cwd_only = false,
        cwd = nil,
end, { desc = "Hbac: pin picker", noremap = true })
  • some useful defaults have been added to the picker, so the default behavior of the picker might be slightly different from previous versions; for example, the entries in the picker are now sorted by recency and the cursor is placed at most recent buffer when you open the picker
  • BREAKING CHANGE: mappings for telescope picker are now assigned differently in the configuration, please refer to the readme


Big thank you to @al-ce for implementing the features in this release. Also thanks to people posting the issues and testing the PRs!

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v2.0.0

Telescope picker! v1.2.0

02 Jun 07:22
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What's Changed

In the new release we introduce a telescope picker which is similar to telescope buffer picker but with additional hbac features such as displaying pin state, toggling pin state and deleting buffers.

Also we adjusted the order in which buffers get auto-closed so that if you have any unnamed buffers those will be closed first.

  • feat: Prioritise pruning unnamed buffers by @ditsuke in #8
  • feat: Telescope picker by @al-ce in #5

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0

New commands and improvements! v1.1.0

09 May 07:32
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  • New command: toggle_autoclose will turn the autoclosing feature on and off
  • When closing unpinned buffers we will check whether the buffer is displayed in any window and avoid closing it
  • Two new configuration options: close_command will let you modify the command used for closing buffers, by default its nvim_buf_delete. close_buffers_with_windows lets one choose whether they want buffers buffers currently displayed in windows to be closed by autoclose and close_unpinned

Big thank you @ditsuke for the contribution!

New commands! v1.0.0

26 Apr 11:13
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BREAKING CHANGES: in this release we renamed the close_unused command to close_unpinned.

  • A new user command was added: Hbac, which now will function as a supercommand for all hbac commands.
  • A new command toggle_pin was added. This command can be used to "pin" the current buffer which prevents it from being autoclosed. Running toggle_pin on a pinned buffer will unpin it and make it autoclosable again.

Big thank you to @al-ce for their contribution.

First release v0.1.0

26 Apr 11:17
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This is the first release of hbac plugin. Enjoy.