A simple to use local storage system, which uses json files to store data and provides an easy to use go module to interacte with the data
- Basic eval for where condition
- Insert statement
- Create statement
- Select statement
- Update statement
- Delete statement
- Eval Safety
- Concurrency
- Advanced eval: (, ), NAND, NOR
- Transaction can do rollbacks when failed
Transactions were added in ef79d96
. Transactions in gorage work like a queue.
If you, for exmaple, create a table, then add a column, then insert, then select
from different threads, then the transaction manager builds a queue and processes data fifo.
If threads queue a transaction at the exact same time, then a race condition would be possible.
The transaction manager cant ensure, which thread is executed first.
If you use only the main thread the actions are blocking -> you have to wait for the action to complete
==> You will get the correct and intact data ofter the transaction. Rollbacks of transactions, when failed, are implemented in:
- Update
Other operations are designed in such way, that a transaction will be validated before execution
Create("./test", false, true)
- Paramter is the path and the file, which you want to create
- Paramter is a boolean, if duplicate rows shall be allowed
- Paramter is a boolean, if you want to see the log
Create(false, true)
Same functionality as create. The Gorage instance is not saved to a file.
g := Open("./test")
Open Gorage by path
g := Open("./test.json")
table := g.CreateTable("Example")
- Open Gorage
g := Open("./test.json")
table := g.CreateTable("User")
if table != nil {
table.AddColumn("FirstName", STRING).
AddColumn("LastName", STRING).
AddColumn("Age", INT).
AddColumn("IQ", INT)
Saves the gorage
Close needs to be called, when the program exists or when the gorage wants to be terminated to end all threads and channels
The FromTable
function takes a string, which is the name of the table and returns a pointer to that table
The Delete
function takes no parameters and should only be called after the .Where()
call, except you want to delete every row.
The delete function directly write to the real table in the memory.
Use .Save()
to save it to the file for permanent change.
The Insert
function takes an array of []interface{}
. This list has to be the same length as the columns.
If you want to leave a cell blank just use nil
Use .Save()
to save it to the file for permanent change.
The Update
function take a map[string]interface{}
, where string is the column and interface is the new value.
The new data for the column needs to match the datatype, which the column can represent.
The Select
function takes an array of strings, which represent the column names and returns a table, which only contains these columns.
This table is NOT persistent
The Where
function take a string and can be used on a table to apply a filter. To compare data from the rows you can use :(Column).
This table is NOT persistent
Let's say we have this table:
Name | Age | Country |
William | 20 | England |
William | 22 | USA |
If we now want to apply a filter to retrieve the rows where the name is 'William' we can do:
":Name == 'William'
If we now want to apply a filter to retrieve the rows where the name is 'William' and the country is england we can do:
":Name == 'William' && :Country == 'England'
See Eval Operations for syntax and operators
Let's say we have this table:
Name | Age | Country |
William | 20 | England |
William | 22 | USA |
g := Open("./test.json")
userTable := g.FromTable("User").Where(":Name == 'William' && :Country == 'USA' ").Select([]string{"Name", "Age"})
g := Open("./test.json")
g.FromTable("User").Where(":Name == 'William' && :Age == 20").Update(map[string]interface{}{
"Name": "Tom"
g := Open("./test.json")
g.FromTable("User").Where(":Name == 'William' && :Age == 20").Delete()
g := Open("./test.json")
userTable := g.FromTable("User")
userTable.Insert([]interface{}{"Thomas", 33, nil})
userTable.Insert([]interface{}{"Carlos", 55, "USA"})
userTable.Insert([]interface{}{"Anna", nil, "USA"})
if fileExists("./Social") {
err := os.Remove("./Social")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error removing old test file")
gorage := Create("./Social", false, false)
userTable := gorage.CreateTable("User")
if userTable == nil {
AddColumn("Name", STRING).
AddColumn("Handle", STRING).
AddColumn("Age", INT)
userTable.Insert([]interface{}{"Emily", "@Emily", 20})
userTable.Insert([]interface{}{"Emily", "@Emily_Backup", 20})
userTable.Insert([]interface{}{"Carl", "@Carl", 23})
Where(":Handle == '@Emily'").
"Name": "Emily MLG",
userTable.Where(":Handle == '@Emily_Backup' || :Name == 'Carl'").Delete()
Eval currently supports && (AND), || (OR), !& (NAND), !| (NOR), == (EQUAL), != (NOT EQUAL), <, <=, >, >= and Braces ( ).
Important: Spaces are important!
Example 1:
"a == 5 || ( name == 'William' || name == 'James' )"
Here is checked, if a is 5 or if the name is William or James
Example 1:
"a == 5 !| b == 10"
Here is checked, if not a is 5 or b is 10