databox24 is a simple 'c' application to read a communication port that is attached to the DATA BOX that is connected via USB port to your linux machine it will communicate to the SG Series of micro inverters. 200,250,300,350,400,450,500,600,700,1000,1200 and 1400
I have only tested on model SG700MD -
- requires [databox24g] datacollector
- application run as root
This is a very simple server gateway app to poll and send the data to a web server to be processed.
[DATA BOX 24G] - New Engery Tek (no version number or model on the unit )
[note:] I did receive a response from the company, and they gave me a quick layout of the data. I have updated my code to reflect their definition of the data.
CMD - Get Status (15 bytes total)
0x43 - Header (1 byte)
0xC0 - CMD - 0xC0=Device status (1 byte)
0x1122 - Databox ID (2 bytes)
0x0000 - Area ID (2 bytes) What is passed in is returned
0x11223344 - Inverter ID (4 bytes)
0x11223344 - Value Parameter (4 byte) 0x00=Status, 0x01=Turn ON, 0x02=Turn OFF, 0x03=Reboot
0xCD - Check Digit
RCV - Receive Status (27 bytes total (15 CMD header + 12 bytes Status))
0x43 - Header (1 byte)
0xC0 - CMD - 0xC0=Device status (1 byte)
0x1122 - Databox ID (2 bytes)
0x0000 - Area ID (2 bytes) Whatever is passed in is returned back
0x11223344 - Inverter ID (4 bytes)
0x11223344 - Total Power Generations (4 Byte Float)
0xCD - Check Digit (1 byte)
0x1122 - DC Voltage divide by 100 for 2 places after decimal point (2 bytes)
0x1122 - DC Current divide by 100 for 2 places after decimal point (2 bytes)
0x1122 - AC Voltage divide by 100 for 2 places after decimal point (2 bytes)
0x1122 - AC Current divide by 100 for 2 places after decimal point (2 bytes)
0x0000 - Reserved (2 bytes)
0x00 - xx UNKNOWN (1 byte)
0x11 - Temperature C° (1 byte)
I tested and run this application on an Intel NUC machine.
STEP #1 - Check and find the port that your linux machine assigned when plugging in the DATABOX wireless modem
run -> lsusb Look for bus and device
Bus 001 Device 012: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port
also run -> sudo dmesg
To list the port number it assigns
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 cs8 -cstopb -parenb
Pull the files to a directory and run make to compile the application.
Also supported is a clean make command
make clean
There is no install script, so I just run it where its compiled. You will want to edit and modify the ** databox24.ini ** file to match your setup
Open Software License v. 3.0 (OSL-3.0)