Release v1.0.0
v1.0.0 (Sept 27, 2022)
- Fixed an OBD bug in which software requests more than six PID ranges in one message. The new revision request the extra range in a separate message.
- Fixed a bug in CANDataSource in which software didn't handle CAN message with extended ID correctly.
- Remove the html version of developer guide.
- Remove source code in S3 bucket. The S3 bucket will only be used to host quick demo cloud formation.
- Remove convertToPeculiarFloat function from DataCollectionProtoWriter.
- Set default checkin period to 2-min in static-config.json. The quick demo will still use 5 second as checkin period.
- Update FleetWise CLI Model to GA release version.
- Update Customer Demo to remove service-linked role creation for FleetWise Account Registration.