Bug Fixes
aws_applicationautoscaling: Add missing members to PredefinedMetric enum (#18978 ) (75a6fa7 ), closes #18969
cli: apps with many resources scroll resource output offscreen (#19742 ) (053d22c ), closes #19160
cli: support attributes of DynamoDB Tables for hotswapping (#19620 ) (2321ece ), closes #19421
cloudwatch: automatic metric math label cannot be suppressed (#17639 ) (7fa3bf2 )
codedeploy: add name validation for Application, Deployment Group and Deployment Configuration (#19473 ) (9185042 )
codedeploy: the Service Principal is wrong in isolated regions (#19729 ) (7e9a43d ), closes #19399
incorrectly short-circuits complex expressions (#19680 ) (7f26fad )
core: detect and resolve stringified number tokens (#19578 ) (7d9ab2a ), closes #19546 #19550
core: reduce CFN template indent size to save bytes (#19656 ) (fd63ca3 )
ecs: 'desiredCount' and 'ephemeralStorageGiB' cannot be tokens (#19453 ) (c852239 ), closes #16648
ecs: remove unnecessary error when adding volume to external task definition (#19774 ) (5446ded ), closes #19259
iam: policies aren't minimized as far as possible (#19764 ) (876ed8a ), closes #19751
logs: Faulty Resource Policy Generated (#19640 ) (1fdf122 ), closes #17544
Alpha modules (2.20.0-alpha.0)
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