apigateway: add option to set the base path when adding a domain name to a Rest API (#17915 ) (9af5b4d )
aws-applicationautoscaling: Allow autoscaling with "M out of N" datapoints (#17441 ) (c21320d ), closes #17433
aws-applicationautoscaling: enabling autoscaling for ElastiCache Redis cluster (#17919 ) (7f54ed6 )
aws-ecs: expose environment from containerDefinition (#17889 ) (4937cd0 ), closes #17867
aws-s3: add support for BucketOwnerEnforced to S3 ObjectOwnershipType (#17961 ) (93fafc5 ), closes #17926
cfnspec: cloudformation spec v50.0.0 (#17844 ) (cd3f24e ), closes #17840 #17858
cfnspec: cloudformation spec v51.0.0 (#17955 ) (c6b7a49 ), closes #17943
cli: Hotswapping Support for S3 Bucket Deployments (#17638 ) (1df478b )
ec2: add d3 and d3en instances (#17782 ) (8b52196 ), closes /
ec2: add high memory instances u-6tb1, u-9tb1, u-12tb1, u-18tb1, and u-24tb1 (#17964 ) (5497525 )
ec2: add im4gn and is4gen instances (#17780 ) (e057c8f ), closes /
ec2: add vpcName property to the VPC (#17940 ) (794e7cd )
ec2: propagate EC2 tags to volumes (#17840 ) (42cf186 ), closes / #17844
lambda: add cloudwatch lambda insights arm support (#17665 ) (02749b4 ), closes #17133
Bug Fixes
apigateway: dataTraceEnabled does not default to false (#17906 ) (cc3bb1f )
appmesh: adding support with gateway route priority (#17694 ) (a61576f ), closes #16821
assets: remove the original-path metadata (#17901 ) (2b759ca ), closes #17706
aws-autoscaling: notificationTargetArn should be optional in LifecycleHook (#16187 ) (4e7a275 ), closes #14641
aws-cdk-migration: Construct imports not rewritten (#17931 ) (f02fcb4 ), closes #17826
aws-lambda-nodejs: use closest lockfile when autodetecting (#16629 ) (c4ecd96 ), closes #15847 40aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs/lib/function.ts#L137-L139 /
cli: asset publishing broken cross account (#18007 ) (2fc6895 ), closes #17668 #17988
cli: hotswapping StateMachines with a name fails (#17892 ) (de67aae ), closes #17716
codepipeline: default cross-region S3 buckets allow public access (#17722 ) (0b80db5 ), closes #16411
cognito: remove invalid SES region check (#17868 ) (450f7ca ), closes #17795
custom-resources: assumedRole from AwsCustomResource invocation leaked to next execution (#15776 ) (e138188 ), closes #15425
iam: AWS Managed Policy ARNs are not deduped (#17623 ) (ed4a4b4 ), closes #17552
logs: log retention fails with OperationAbortedException (#17688 ) (95b8da9 ), closes #17546
Alpha modules (2.2.0-alpha.0)
glue: the grantRead API previously included 'glue:BatchDeletePartition', and now it does not.
Bug Fixes
You can’t perform that action at this time.