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@RomainMuller RomainMuller released this 15 Jun 19:13

Optionally, you may also obtain this release from S3:

aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/
aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/

See README for setup/update instructions.


  • Two-way IAM policy statement additions have been removed for S3 and SNS,
    because those services treat resource and identity policies as additive.
    KMS grants are still added on both resource and identity because KMS
    requires permissions set from both sides.


  • cdk init interface changed to accept the template name as a positional
    argument, and the language as an option. A --list option was added to
    allow listing available templates.
  • cdk-beta-npm is a wrapper to npm that executes commands with a local registry
    that has the CDK packages available. It should be used instead of npm for
    subcommands such as npm install.
  • CDK now respects AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable if set.