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feat: update L1 CloudFormation resource definitions (#30037)
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Updates the L1 CloudFormation resource definitions with the latest changes from `@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec`

**L1 CloudFormation resource definition changes:**
├[~] service aws-acmpca
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority
│      └ types
│         ├[~] type CrlConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    └ Enabled: - boolean
│         │               + boolean (required)
│         ├[~] type EdiPartyName
│         │ └ properties
│         │    └ NameAssigner: - string (required, immutable)
│         │                    + string (immutable)
│         └[~] type OcspConfiguration
│           └ properties
│              └ Enabled: - boolean
│                         + boolean (required)
├[~] service aws-bedrock
│ └ resources
│    ├[~] resource AWS::Bedrock::DataSource
│    │ ├ properties
│    │ │  └[+] DataDeletionPolicy: string
│    │ ├ attributes
│    │ │  └[+] FailureReasons: Array<string>
│    │ └ types
│    │    └[~] type S3DataSourceConfiguration
│    │      └ properties
│    │         └[+] BucketOwnerAccountId: string
│    └[~] resource AWS::Bedrock::KnowledgeBase
│      ├ properties
│      │  └[+] StorageConfiguration: StorageConfiguration (required, immutable)
│      └ types
│         ├[+] type OpenSearchServerlessConfiguration
│         │ ├  documentation: Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Amazon OpenSearch Service. For more information, see [Create a vector index in Amazon OpenSearch Service]( .
│         │ │  name: OpenSearchServerlessConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├CollectionArn: string (required)
│         │    ├VectorIndexName: string (required)
│         │    └FieldMapping: OpenSearchServerlessFieldMapping (required)
│         ├[+] type OpenSearchServerlessFieldMapping
│         │ ├  documentation: Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
│         │ │  name: OpenSearchServerlessFieldMapping
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├VectorField: string (required)
│         │    ├TextField: string (required)
│         │    └MetadataField: string (required)
│         ├[+] type PineconeConfiguration
│         │ ├  documentation: Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Pinecone. For more information, see [Create a vector index in Pinecone]( .
│         │ │  name: PineconeConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├ConnectionString: string (required)
│         │    ├CredentialsSecretArn: string (required)
│         │    ├Namespace: string
│         │    └FieldMapping: PineconeFieldMapping (required)
│         ├[+] type PineconeFieldMapping
│         │ ├  documentation: Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
│         │ │  name: PineconeFieldMapping
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├TextField: string (required)
│         │    └MetadataField: string (required)
│         ├[+] type RdsConfiguration
│         │ ├  documentation: Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Amazon RDS. For more information, see [Create a vector index in Amazon RDS]( .
│         │ │  name: RdsConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├ResourceArn: string (required)
│         │    ├CredentialsSecretArn: string (required)
│         │    ├DatabaseName: string (required)
│         │    ├TableName: string (required)
│         │    └FieldMapping: RdsFieldMapping (required)
│         ├[+] type RdsFieldMapping
│         │ ├  documentation: Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
│         │ │  name: RdsFieldMapping
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├PrimaryKeyField: string (required)
│         │    ├VectorField: string (required)
│         │    ├TextField: string (required)
│         │    └MetadataField: string (required)
│         └[+] type StorageConfiguration
│           ├  documentation: Contains the storage configuration of the knowledge base.
│           │  name: StorageConfiguration
│           └ properties
│              ├OpensearchServerlessConfiguration: OpenSearchServerlessConfiguration
│              ├PineconeConfiguration: PineconeConfiguration
│              ├RdsConfiguration: RdsConfiguration
│              └Type: string (required)
├[~] service aws-dms
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::DMS::DataProvider
│      ├ properties
│      │  └[-] Settings: Settings
│      └ types
│         ├[-] type PostgreSqlSettings
│         │ ├  documentation: Provides information that defines a PostgreSQL endpoint.
│         │ │  name: PostgreSqlSettings
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├ServerName: string
│         │    ├Port: integer
│         │    ├DatabaseName: string
│         │    ├SslMode: string
│         │    └CertificateArn: string
│         └[-] type Settings
│           ├  documentation: PostgreSqlSettings property identifier.
│           │  name: Settings
│           └ properties
│              └PostgreSqlSettings: PostgreSqlSettings
├[~] service aws-ec2
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation
│      └ attributes
│         └[-] Id: string
├[~] service aws-kinesis
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::Kinesis::Stream
│      └  - isStateful: undefined
│         + isStateful: true
├[~] service aws-lambda
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::Lambda::Alias
│      └ attributes
│         └[-] AliasArn: string
├[~] service aws-medialive
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::MediaLive::Channel
│      └ types
│         ├[~] type AudioDescription
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├[+] AudioDashRoles: Array<string>
│         │    └[+] DvbDashAccessibility: string
│         ├[~] type CaptionDescription
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├[+] CaptionDashRoles: Array<string>
│         │    └[+] DvbDashAccessibility: string
│         ├[+] type CmafIngestGroupSettings
│         │ ├  name: CmafIngestGroupSettings
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├Destination: OutputLocationRef
│         │    ├Scte35Type: string
│         │    ├SegmentLengthUnits: string
│         │    ├NielsenId3Behavior: string
│         │    ├SegmentLength: integer
│         │    └SendDelayMs: integer
│         ├[+] type CmafIngestOutputSettings
│         │ ├  name: CmafIngestOutputSettings
│         │ └ properties
│         │    └NameModifier: string
│         ├[~] type H265Settings
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├[+] MvOverPictureBoundaries: string
│         │    ├[+] MvTemporalPredictor: string
│         │    ├[+] TileHeight: integer
│         │    ├[+] TilePadding: string
│         │    ├[+] TileWidth: integer
│         │    └[+] TreeblockSize: string
│         ├[~] type OutputGroupSettings
│         │ └ properties
│         │    └[+] CmafIngestGroupSettings: CmafIngestGroupSettings
│         └[~] type OutputSettings
│           └ properties
│              └[+] CmafIngestOutputSettings: CmafIngestOutputSettings
├[+] service aws-qbusiness
│ ├  capitalized: QBusiness
│ │  cloudFormationNamespace: AWS::QBusiness
│ │  name: aws-qbusiness
│ │  shortName: qbusiness
│ └ resources
│    ├resource AWS::QBusiness::Application
│    │├  name: Application
│    ││  cloudFormationType: AWS::QBusiness::Application
│    ││  documentation: Definition of AWS::QBusiness::Application Resource Type
│    ││  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"}
│    │├ properties
│    ││  ├AttachmentsConfiguration: AttachmentsConfiguration
│    ││  ├Description: string
│    ││  ├DisplayName: string (required)
│    ││  ├EncryptionConfiguration: EncryptionConfiguration (immutable)
│    ││  ├IdentityCenterInstanceArn: string
│    ││  ├RoleArn: string
│    ││  └Tags: Array<tag>
│    │├ attributes
│    ││  ├ApplicationArn: string
│    ││  ├ApplicationId: string
│    ││  ├CreatedAt: string
│    ││  ├IdentityCenterApplicationArn: string
│    ││  ├Status: string
│    ││  └UpdatedAt: string
│    │└ types
│    │   ├type AttachmentsConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: AttachmentsConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   └AttachmentsControlMode: string (required)
│    │   └type EncryptionConfiguration
│    │    ├  name: EncryptionConfiguration
│    │    └ properties
│    │       └KmsKeyId: string
│    ├resource AWS::QBusiness::DataSource
│    │├  name: DataSource
│    ││  cloudFormationType: AWS::QBusiness::DataSource
│    ││  documentation: Definition of AWS::QBusiness::DataSource Resource Type
│    ││  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"}
│    │├ properties
│    ││  ├ApplicationId: string (required, immutable)
│    ││  ├Configuration: json (required)
│    ││  ├Description: string
│    ││  ├DisplayName: string (required)
│    ││  ├DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration: DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration
│    ││  ├IndexId: string (required, immutable)
│    ││  ├RoleArn: string
│    ││  ├SyncSchedule: string
│    ││  ├Tags: Array<tag>
│    ││  └VpcConfiguration: DataSourceVpcConfiguration
│    │├ attributes
│    ││  ├CreatedAt: string
│    ││  ├DataSourceArn: string
│    ││  ├DataSourceId: string
│    ││  ├Status: string
│    ││  ├Type: string
│    ││  └UpdatedAt: string
│    │└ types
│    │   ├type DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├InlineConfigurations: Array<InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration>
│    │   │   ├PreExtractionHookConfiguration: HookConfiguration
│    │   │   └PostExtractionHookConfiguration: HookConfiguration
│    │   ├type InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├Condition: DocumentAttributeCondition
│    │   │   ├Target: DocumentAttributeTarget
│    │   │   └DocumentContentOperator: string
│    │   ├type DocumentAttributeCondition
│    │   │├  name: DocumentAttributeCondition
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├Key: string (required)
│    │   │   ├Operator: string (required)
│    │   │   └Value: DocumentAttributeValue
│    │   ├type DocumentAttributeValue
│    │   │├  name: DocumentAttributeValue
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├StringValue: string
│    │   │   ├StringListValue: Array<string>
│    │   │   ├LongValue: number
│    │   │   └DateValue: string
│    │   ├type DocumentAttributeTarget
│    │   │├  name: DocumentAttributeTarget
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├Key: string (required)
│    │   │   ├Value: DocumentAttributeValue
│    │   │   └AttributeValueOperator: string
│    │   ├type HookConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: HookConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├InvocationCondition: DocumentAttributeCondition
│    │   │   ├LambdaArn: string
│    │   │   ├S3BucketName: string
│    │   │   └RoleArn: string
│    │   └type DataSourceVpcConfiguration
│    │    ├  name: DataSourceVpcConfiguration
│    │    └ properties
│    │       ├SubnetIds: Array<string> (required)
│    │       └SecurityGroupIds: Array<string> (required)
│    ├resource AWS::QBusiness::Index
│    │├  name: Index
│    ││  cloudFormationType: AWS::QBusiness::Index
│    ││  documentation: Definition of AWS::QBusiness::Index Resource Type
│    ││  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"}
│    │├ properties
│    ││  ├ApplicationId: string (required, immutable)
│    ││  ├CapacityConfiguration: IndexCapacityConfiguration
│    ││  ├Description: string
│    ││  ├DisplayName: string (required)
│    ││  ├DocumentAttributeConfigurations: Array<DocumentAttributeConfiguration>
│    ││  ├Type: string (immutable)
│    ││  └Tags: Array<tag>
│    │├ attributes
│    ││  ├CreatedAt: string
│    ││  ├IndexArn: string
│    ││  ├IndexId: string
│    ││  ├IndexStatistics: IndexStatistics
│    ││  ├Status: string
│    ││  └UpdatedAt: string
│    │└ types
│    │   ├type IndexCapacityConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: IndexCapacityConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   └Units: number
│    │   ├type DocumentAttributeConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: DocumentAttributeConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├Name: string
│    │   │   ├Type: string
│    │   │   └Search: string
│    │   ├type IndexStatistics
│    │   │├  name: IndexStatistics
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   └TextDocumentStatistics: TextDocumentStatistics
│    │   └type TextDocumentStatistics
│    │    ├  name: TextDocumentStatistics
│    │    └ properties
│    │       ├IndexedTextBytes: number
│    │       └IndexedTextDocumentCount: number
│    ├resource AWS::QBusiness::Plugin
│    │├  name: Plugin
│    ││  cloudFormationType: AWS::QBusiness::Plugin
│    ││  documentation: Definition of AWS::QBusiness::Plugin Resource Type
│    ││  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"}
│    │├ properties
│    ││  ├ApplicationId: string (required, immutable)
│    ││  ├AuthConfiguration: PluginAuthConfiguration (required)
│    ││  ├CustomPluginConfiguration: CustomPluginConfiguration
│    ││  ├DisplayName: string (required)
│    ││  ├ServerUrl: string
│    ││  ├State: string
│    ││  ├Tags: Array<tag>
│    ││  └Type: string (required, immutable)
│    │├ attributes
│    ││  ├BuildStatus: string
│    ││  ├CreatedAt: string
│    ││  ├PluginArn: string
│    ││  ├PluginId: string
│    ││  └UpdatedAt: string
│    │└ types
│    │   ├type PluginAuthConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: PluginAuthConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├BasicAuthConfiguration: BasicAuthConfiguration
│    │   │   ├OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration: OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration
│    │   │   └NoAuthConfiguration: json
│    │   ├type BasicAuthConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: BasicAuthConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├SecretArn: string (required)
│    │   │   └RoleArn: string (required)
│    │   ├type OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├SecretArn: string (required)
│    │   │   └RoleArn: string (required)
│    │   ├type CustomPluginConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: CustomPluginConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├Description: string (required)
│    │   │   ├ApiSchemaType: string (required)
│    │   │   └ApiSchema: APISchema (required)
│    │   ├type APISchema
│    │   │├  name: APISchema
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├Payload: string
│    │   │   └S3: S3
│    │   └type S3
│    │    ├  name: S3
│    │    └ properties
│    │       ├Bucket: string (required)
│    │       └Key: string (required)
│    ├resource AWS::QBusiness::Retriever
│    │├  name: Retriever
│    ││  cloudFormationType: AWS::QBusiness::Retriever
│    ││  documentation: Definition of AWS::QBusiness::Retriever Resource Type
│    ││  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"}
│    │├ properties
│    ││  ├ApplicationId: string (required, immutable)
│    ││  ├Configuration: RetrieverConfiguration (required)
│    ││  ├DisplayName: string (required)
│    ││  ├RoleArn: string
│    ││  ├Tags: Array<tag>
│    ││  └Type: string (required, immutable)
│    │├ attributes
│    ││  ├CreatedAt: string
│    ││  ├RetrieverArn: string
│    ││  ├RetrieverId: string
│    ││  ├Status: string
│    ││  └UpdatedAt: string
│    │└ types
│    │   ├type RetrieverConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: RetrieverConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   ├NativeIndexConfiguration: NativeIndexConfiguration
│    │   │   └KendraIndexConfiguration: KendraIndexConfiguration
│    │   ├type NativeIndexConfiguration
│    │   │├  name: NativeIndexConfiguration
│    │   │└ properties
│    │   │   └IndexId: string (required)
│    │   └type KendraIndexConfiguration
│    │    ├  name: KendraIndexConfiguration
│    │    └ properties
│    │       └IndexId: string (required)
│    └resource AWS::QBusiness::WebExperience
│     ├  name: WebExperience
│     │  cloudFormationType: AWS::QBusiness::WebExperience
│     │  documentation: Definition of AWS::QBusiness::WebExperience Resource Type
│     │  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"}
│     ├ properties
│     │  ├ApplicationId: string (required, immutable)
│     │  ├RoleArn: string
│     │  ├SamplePromptsControlMode: string
│     │  ├Subtitle: string
│     │  ├Tags: Array<tag>
│     │  ├Title: string
│     │  └WelcomeMessage: string
│     └ attributes
│        ├CreatedAt: string
│        ├DefaultEndpoint: string
│        ├Status: string
│        ├UpdatedAt: string
│        ├WebExperienceArn: string
│        └WebExperienceId: string
├[~] service aws-sso
│ └ resources
│    ├[~] resource AWS::SSO::Assignment
│    │ └  - scrutinizable: undefined
│    │    + scrutinizable: SsoAssignmentResource
│    ├[~] resource AWS::SSO::InstanceAccessControlAttributeConfiguration
│    │ └  - scrutinizable: undefined
│    │    + scrutinizable: SsoInstanceACAConfigResource
│    └[~] resource AWS::SSO::PermissionSet
│      └  - scrutinizable: undefined
│         + scrutinizable: SsoPermissionSet
└[~] service aws-transfer
  └ resources
     ├[~] resource AWS::Transfer::Connector
     │ ├ properties
     │ │  └[+] SecurityPolicyName: string
     │ └ attributes
     │    └[+] ServiceManagedEgressIpAddresses: Array<string>
     └[~] resource AWS::Transfer::Workflow
       └ types
          └[~] type DecryptStepDetails
            └ properties
               ├ DestinationFileLocation: - InputFileLocation (immutable)
               │                          + InputFileLocation (required, immutable)
               └ Type: - string (immutable)
                       + string (required, immutable)
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aws-cdk-automation committed May 2, 2024
1 parent 90f1aa9 commit bb7e4d8
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Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,9 @@
"StreamModeDetails": {
"StreamMode": "ON_DEMAND"
"UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
"DeletionPolicy": "Retain"
"RealtimeLog31F8FA14": {
"Type": "AWS::CloudFront::RealtimeLogConfig",
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Expand Up @@ -17,21 +17,23 @@
"UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
"DeletionPolicy": "Retain"
"TableCD117FA1": {
"Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table",
"Properties": {
"KeySchema": [
"AttributeDefinitions": [
"AttributeName": "hashKey",
"KeyType": "HASH"
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeDefinitions": [
"KeySchema": [
"AttributeName": "hashKey",
"AttributeType": "S"
"KeyType": "HASH"
"KinesisStreamSpecification": {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
"UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
"DeletionPolicy": "Retain"
"GlobalTable89F068B2": {
"Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable",
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
"UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
"DeletionPolicy": "Retain"
"MyStreamEventsRole5B6CC6AF": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
"UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
"DeletionPolicy": "Retain"
"StreamDashboardAAF4FCF8": {
"Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard",
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