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Don't trust IMDS metadata for secondary IPs
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Claes Mogren authored and SaranBalaji90 committed Sep 1, 2020
1 parent 8fffd38 commit 32c8ee7
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Showing 6 changed files with 338 additions and 110 deletions.
21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions pkg/awsutils/awsutils.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ type APIs interface {
// GetPrimaryENImac returns the mac address of the primary ENI
GetPrimaryENImac() string

//Setunmanaged ENI
SetUnmanagedENIs(eniID []string) error
// SetUnmanagedENIs sets the list of unmanaged ENI IDs
SetUnmanagedENIs(eniIDs []string)

// IsUnmanagedENI checks if an ENI is unmanaged
IsUnmanagedENI(eniID string) bool

// WaitForENIAndIPsAttached waits until the ENI has been attached and the secondary IPs have been added
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,25 +439,23 @@ func (cache *EC2InstanceMetadataCache) refreshSGIDs(mac string) error {

if !cache.useCustomNetworking && (addedSGsCount != 0 || deletedSGsCount != 0) {
var sgIDsPtrs []*string
sgIDsPtrs = aws.StringSlice(sgIDs)

allENIs, err := cache.GetAttachedENIs()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "DescribeAllENIs: failed to get local ENI metadata")

var eniIDs []string
for _, eni := range allENIs {
eniIDs = append(eniIDs, string(eni.ENIID))
eniIDs = append(eniIDs, eni.ENIID)

newENIs := StringSet{}

filteredENIs := newENIs.Difference(&cache.unmanagedENIs)

//This will update SG for managed ENIs created by EKS.
sgIDsPtrs := aws.StringSlice(sgIDs)
// This will update SG for managed ENIs created by EKS.
for _, eniID := range filteredENIs.SortedList() {
log.Debugf("Update ENI %s", eniID)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1554,11 +1552,8 @@ func (cache *EC2InstanceMetadataCache) GetPrimaryENImac() string {

//SetUnmanagedENIs Set unmanaged ENI set
func (cache *EC2InstanceMetadataCache) SetUnmanagedENIs(eniID []string) error {
if len(eniID) != 0 {
return nil
func (cache *EC2InstanceMetadataCache) SetUnmanagedENIs(eniIDs []string) {

//IsUnmanagedENI returns if the eni is unmanaged
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions pkg/awsutils/awsutils_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -878,3 +878,15 @@ func TestEC2InstanceMetadataCache_waitForENIAndIPsAttached(t *testing.T) {

func TestEC2InstanceMetadataCache_SetUnmanagedENIs(t *testing.T) {
_, mockMetadata, _ := setup(t)
ins := &EC2InstanceMetadataCache{ec2Metadata: mockMetadata}
assert.False(t, ins.IsUnmanagedENI("eni-1"))
ins.SetUnmanagedENIs([]string{"eni-1", "eni-2"})
assert.True(t, ins.IsUnmanagedENI("eni-1"))
assert.False(t, ins.IsUnmanagedENI("eni-99"))
assert.False(t, ins.IsUnmanagedENI("eni-1"))
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions pkg/awsutils/mocks/awsutils_mocks.go

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions pkg/ipamd/datastore/data_store.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ func (ds *DataStore) RemoveUnusedENIFromStore(warmIPTarget int, minimumIPTarget
return removableENI

// RemoveENIFromDataStore removes an ENI from the datastore. It return nil on success or an error.
// RemoveENIFromDataStore removes an ENI from the datastore. It returns nil on success, or an error.
func (ds *DataStore) RemoveENIFromDataStore(eniID string, force bool) error {
defer ds.lock.Unlock()
Expand All @@ -704,9 +704,9 @@ func (ds *DataStore) RemoveENIFromDataStore(eniID string, force bool) error {
if !force {
return errors.New(ENIInUseError)
// This scenario can occur if the reconciliation process discovered this eni was detached
// from the EC2 instance outside of the control of ipamd. If this happens, there's nothing
// we can do other than force all pods to be unassigned from the IPs on this eni.
// This scenario can occur if the reconciliation process discovered this ENI was detached
// from the EC2 instance outside of the control of ipamd. If this happens, there's nothing
// we can do other than force all pods to be unassigned from the IPs on this ENI.
ds.log.Warnf("Force removing eni %s with %d assigned pods", eniID, eni.AssignedIPv4Addresses())
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144 changes: 93 additions & 51 deletions pkg/ipamd/ipamd.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ const (

// disableENIProvisioning is used to specify that ENI doesn't need to be synced during initializing a pod.
noDisableENIProvisioning = false

// Specify where ipam should persist its current IP<->container allocations.
envBackingStorePath = "AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_BACKING_STORE"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -738,31 +737,37 @@ func (c *IPAMContext) tryAssignIPs() (increasedPool bool, err error) {
// 2) set up linux ENI related networking stack.
// 3) add all ENI's secondary IP addresses to datastore
func (c *IPAMContext) setupENI(eni string, eniMetadata awsutils.ENIMetadata, trunkENI string) error {
primaryENI := c.awsClient.GetPrimaryENI()
// Add the ENI to the datastore
err := c.dataStore.AddENI(eni, eniMetadata.DeviceNumber, eni == c.awsClient.GetPrimaryENI(), eni == trunkENI)
err := c.dataStore.AddENI(eni, eniMetadata.DeviceNumber, eni == primaryENI, eni == trunkENI)
if err != nil && err.Error() != datastore.DuplicatedENIError {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add ENI %s to data store", eni)
// Store the primary IP of the ENI
c.primaryIP[eni] = eniMetadata.PrimaryIPv4Address()

// For secondary ENIs, set up the network
if eni != c.awsClient.GetPrimaryENI() {
eniPrimaryIP := eniMetadata.PrimaryIPv4Address()
err = c.networkClient.SetupENINetwork(eniPrimaryIP, eniMetadata.MAC, eniMetadata.DeviceNumber, eniMetadata.SubnetIPv4CIDR)
if eni != primaryENI {
err = c.networkClient.SetupENINetwork(c.primaryIP[eni], eniMetadata.MAC, eniMetadata.DeviceNumber, eniMetadata.SubnetIPv4CIDR)
if err != nil {
// Failed to set up the ENI
errRemove := c.dataStore.RemoveENIFromDataStore(eni, true)
if errRemove != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to remove ENI %s: %v", eni, errRemove)
delete(c.primaryIP, eni)
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set up ENI %s network", eni)

c.primaryIP[eni] = c.addENIaddressesToDataStore(eniMetadata.IPv4Addresses, eni)
c.addENIaddressesToDataStore(eniMetadata.IPv4Addresses, eni)
return nil

// return primary ip address on the interface
func (c *IPAMContext) addENIaddressesToDataStore(ec2Addrs []*ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress, eni string) string {
var primaryIP string
func (c *IPAMContext) addENIaddressesToDataStore(ec2Addrs []*ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress, eni string) {
for _, ec2Addr := range ec2Addrs {
if aws.BoolValue(ec2Addr.Primary) {
primaryIP = aws.StringValue(ec2Addr.PrivateIpAddress)
err := c.dataStore.AddIPv4AddressToStore(eni, aws.StringValue(ec2Addr.PrivateIpAddress))
Expand All @@ -774,7 +779,6 @@ func (c *IPAMContext) addENIaddressesToDataStore(ec2Addrs []*ec2.NetworkInterfac
total, assigned := c.dataStore.GetStats()
log.Debugf("IP Address Pool stats: total: %d, assigned: %d", total, assigned)
return primaryIP

// getMaxENI returns the maximum number of ENIs to attach to this instance. This is calculated as the lesser of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -907,6 +911,12 @@ func (c *IPAMContext) nodeIPPoolReconcile(interval time.Duration) {
// We must always have at least the primary ENI of the instance
if allENIs == nil {
log.Error("IP pool reconcile: No ENI found at all in metadata, unable to reconcile")
attachedENIs := c.filterUnmanagedENIs(allENIs)
currentENIs := c.dataStore.GetENIInfos().ENIs
trunkENI := c.dataStore.GetTrunkENI()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -978,6 +988,7 @@ func (c *IPAMContext) nodeIPPoolReconcile(interval time.Duration) {
delete(c.primaryIP, eni)
reconcileCnt.With(prometheus.Labels{"fn": "eniReconcileDel"}).Inc()
log.Debug("Successfully Reconciled ENI/IP pool")
Expand All @@ -987,9 +998,51 @@ func (c *IPAMContext) nodeIPPoolReconcile(interval time.Duration) {

func (c *IPAMContext) eniIPPoolReconcile(ipPool []string, attachedENI awsutils.ENIMetadata, eni string) {
seenIPs := make(map[string]bool)
attachedENIIPs := attachedENI.IPv4Addresses
needEC2Reconcile := true
// Here we can't trust attachedENI since the IMDS metadata can be stale. We need to check with EC2 API.
// +1 is for the primary IP of the ENI that is not added to the ipPool and not available for pods to use.
if 1+len(ipPool) != len(attachedENIIPs) {
log.Warnf("Instance metadata does not match data store! ipPool: %v, metadata: %v", ipPool, attachedENIIPs)
log.Debugf("We need to check the ENI status by calling the EC2 control plane.")
// Call EC2 to verify IPs on this ENI
ec2Addresses, err := c.awsClient.GetIPv4sFromEC2(eni)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to fetch ENI IP addresses! Aborting reconcile of ENI %s", eni)
attachedENIIPs = ec2Addresses
needEC2Reconcile = false

// Add all known attached IPs to the datastore
seenIPs := c.verifyAndAddIPsToDatastore(eni, attachedENIIPs, needEC2Reconcile)

// Sweep phase, delete remaining IPs since they should not remain in the datastore
for _, existingIP := range ipPool {
if seenIPs[existingIP] {

for _, privateIPv4 := range attachedENI.IPv4Addresses {
log.Debugf("Reconcile and delete IP %s on ENI %s", existingIP, eni)
// Force the delete, since we have verified with EC2 that these secondary IPs are no longer assigned to this ENI
err := c.dataStore.DelIPv4AddressFromStore(eni, existingIP, true /* force */)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to reconcile and delete IP %s on ENI %s, %v", existingIP, eni, err)
// continue instead of bailout due to one ip
reconcileCnt.With(prometheus.Labels{"fn": "eniIPPoolReconcileDel"}).Inc()

// verifyAndAddIPsToDatastore updates the datastore with the known secondary IPs. IPs who are out of cooldown gets added
// back to the datastore after being verified against EC2.
func (c *IPAMContext) verifyAndAddIPsToDatastore(eni string, attachedENIIPs []*ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress, needEC2Reconcile bool) map[string]bool {
var ec2VerifiedAddresses []*ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress
seenIPs := make(map[string]bool)
for _, privateIPv4 := range attachedENIIPs {
strPrivateIPv4 := aws.StringValue(privateIPv4.PrivateIpAddress)
if strPrivateIPv4 == c.primaryIP[eni] {
log.Debugf("Reconcile and skip primary IP %s on ENI %s", strPrivateIPv4, eni)
Expand All @@ -1003,66 +1056,55 @@ func (c *IPAMContext) eniIPPoolReconcile(ipPool []string, attachedENI awsutils.E
log.Debugf("Reconcile skipping IP %s on ENI %s because it was recently unassigned from the ENI.", strPrivateIPv4, eni)
} else {
log.Debugf("This IP was recently freed, but is out of cooldown. We need to verify with EC2 control plane.")
// Call EC2 to verify IPs on this ENI
ec2Addresses, err := c.awsClient.GetIPv4sFromEC2(eni)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch ENI IP addresses!")
} else {
if needEC2Reconcile {
// IMDS data might be stale
log.Debugf("This IP was recently freed, but is now out of cooldown. We need to verify with EC2 control plane.")
// Only call EC2 once for this ENI
if ec2VerifiedAddresses == nil {
var err error
// Call EC2 to verify IPs on this ENI
ec2VerifiedAddresses, err = c.awsClient.GetIPv4sFromEC2(eni)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to fetch ENI IP addresses from EC2! %v", err)
// Do not delete this IP from the datastore or cooldown until we have confirmed with EC2
seenIPs[strPrivateIPv4] = true
// Verify that the IP really belongs to this ENI
isReallyAttachedToENI := false
for _, ec2Addr := range ec2Addresses {
for _, ec2Addr := range ec2VerifiedAddresses {
if strPrivateIPv4 == aws.StringValue(ec2Addr.PrivateIpAddress) {
isReallyAttachedToENI = true
log.Debugf("Verified that IP %s is attached to ENI %s", strPrivateIPv4, eni)
if isReallyAttachedToENI {
} else {
log.Warnf("Skipping IP %s on ENI %s because it does not belong to this ENI!.", strPrivateIPv4, eni)
if !isReallyAttachedToENI {
log.Warnf("Skipping IP %s on ENI %s because it does not belong to this ENI!", strPrivateIPv4, eni)
// The IP can be removed from the cooldown cache
// TODO: Here we could check if the IP is still used by a pod stuck in Terminating state. (Issue #1091)

// Try to add the IP
err := c.dataStore.AddIPv4AddressToStore(eni, strPrivateIPv4)
if err != nil && err.Error() == datastore.IPAlreadyInStoreError {
// mark action
seenIPs[strPrivateIPv4] = true

if err != nil {
if err != nil && err.Error() != datastore.IPAlreadyInStoreError {
log.Errorf("Failed to reconcile IP %s on ENI %s", strPrivateIPv4, eni)
// continue instead of bailout due to one IP
reconcileCnt.With(prometheus.Labels{"fn": "eniIPPoolReconcileAdd"}).Inc()

// Sweep phase, delete remaining IPs
for _, existingIP := range ipPool {
if seenIPs[existingIP] {
// Continue to check the other IPs instead of bailout due to one wrong IP

log.Debugf("Reconcile and delete IP %s on ENI %s", existingIP, eni)
// Force the delete, since aws local metadata has told us that this ENI is no longer
// attached, so any IPs assigned from this ENI will no longer work.
err := c.dataStore.DelIPv4AddressFromStore(eni, existingIP, true /* force */)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to reconcile and delete IP %s on ENI %s, %v", existingIP, eni, err)
// continue instead of bailout due to one ip
reconcileCnt.With(prometheus.Labels{"fn": "eniIPPoolReconcileDel"}).Inc()
// Mark action
seenIPs[strPrivateIPv4] = true
reconcileCnt.With(prometheus.Labels{"fn": "eniIPPoolReconcileAdd"}).Inc()
return seenIPs

// UseCustomNetworkCfg returns whether Pods needs to use pod specific configuration or not.
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