This repository contains the GCentral Indexer, the back-end implementation and front end presentation of VI Packages, NI Packages, and G Packages in various repositories, inducing GCentral's own repositories. The indexer is displayed in and represents the "Find / Discover" portion of the mission. GCentral's goal is to empower the community to build GCentral into the tool it needs. Therefore we are open-sourcing as much of the indexer and website as possible so you can lend your passion and expertise to the cause.
Please see for detailed instructions how to setup your development environment to work on the indexer.
Above all, thank you for sacrificing your time and using your skills and talents and passion to build GCentral.
GCentral's Wiki See how you can contribute! is a 501(c)3 non profit organization, completely funded through donations and sponsorship. All financial contributions are tax deductable. We apprecate donations and sponsorship in any amount. To donate to please visit our Sponsorship / Donation page or send an email to