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Fluxxor Test Utils

This is a repository for facilitating testing when using Fluxxor. It can be used along with Jest for testing.

Suggestions and pull requests are welcome.


npm install -D fluxxor-test-utils


If you're using jest, you'll want to ensure that this module is not mocked.

Add the following to the top of every test file that tests fluxxor


Or, you can globally configure jest with unmockedModulePathPatterns in your package.json:

	"jest": {
		"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [

You may also need to put object-path into ummockedModulePaths according to #11. Sorry, I haven't chased this down, but including it in readme just in case.


If you're using Jest, according to this issue: jestjs/jest#106, you'll have to add jest.dontMock('util'); at the top of every test in which you want to use fluxxor or fluxxor-test-utils.



# FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux( [storesOrFluxInstance], [actions] )
# FakeFlux inherits from Fluxxor.Lib.Flux and has some additional methods to facilitate testing.
# @param:   (optional) Object of stores | instance of Flux
# @param:   (optional) Object of actions
# @returns: FakeFlux instance

var FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux();
// returns instance of FakeFlux with empty stores and empty actions
// fakeFlux.stores = {}
// fakeFlux.actions = {}
// you can now add stores or actions on this flux object
// fakeFlux.addStores({ FooStore: new FooStore() }) or fakeFlux.addActions("doFooAction", function() { ... } );

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ Foo: new FooStore() }, { doFooAction: function() { } });
// returns instance of FakeFlux with stores and actions
// fakeFlux.stores = { Foo: FooStore instance }
// fakeFlux.actions = { doFooAction: function() { } }

var realFlux = new Fluxxor.Flux({ Foo: new FooStore() }, { doFooAction: function() { } });
var fakeFlux = new FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux(realFlux);
// returns instance of FakeFlux using the stores and actions defined on a Flux instance
// fakeFlux.stores = { Foo: FooStore instance }
// fakeFlux.actions = { doFooAction: function() { } }

# FluxxorTestUtils.extendJasmineMatchers( jasmine )
# This method extends jasmine matchers with additional methods for testing.
# @param:   (required) The jasmine object (usually "this" when in a test suite)
# @returns: itself to allow for chaining

# from within a test suite:
var FluxxorTestUtils;
describe('some suite', function() {

	beforeEach(function() {
		FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');

		// or:
		// FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils').extendJasmineMatchers();
	// now we can use:
	// expect(StoreWatchSpy).toHaveEmitted();
	// expect(StoreWatchSpy).lastEmittedWith('change');
	// expect(ActionsDispatchSpy).lastDispatchedWith('foo event', { value: "foo" });


# FluxxorTestUtils.getJestUtils()
# Returns object that helps resolve jest instance if you're using jest-cli to test
# @returns: JestUtils

var FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');
var JestUtils = FluxxorTestUtils.getJestUtils();


# fakeFlux.makeStoreEmitSpy( storeName )
# Once the store spied on, all this.emit() calls from within the store are overridden and cannot be restored.
# Returns a StoreEmitSpy
# @param:  (required) valid name of a store
# @returns: StoreEmitSpy

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ FooStore: new FooStore() });
var fooSpy = fakeFlux.makeStoreEmitSpy('FooStore');

# fakeFlux.makeActionsDispatchSpy();
# Once the actions dispatch is spied on, all the this.dispatch() calls from within the actions are overridden and cannot be restored.
# Returns an ActionsDispatchSpy
# @returns: ActionsDispatchSpy

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({}, { doFooAction: function() { } });
var actionsSpy = fakeFlux.makeActionsDispatchSpy();

Methods which require Jest

The following FakeFlux methods require Jest

# fakeFlux.genMocksForStores( storeName, [storeName...])
# When used within Jest tests, creates mocks for each of the store's public methods (not prefixed with '_')
# @param:   one or more names of store, use "*" to mock all stores
# @returns: FakeFlux instance for chaining

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ FooStore: new FooStore(), BarStore: new BarStore() });

// now all the FooStore methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();

fakeFlux.genMocksForStores('FooStore', 'BarStore');
// now both the FooStore and BarStore methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();

// all of the stores' methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();

# fakeFlux.genMocksForActions()
# When used within Jest tests, creates mocks for all of the FakeFlux's actions
# @returns: FakeFlux instance for chaining

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({}, { doFooAction: function() { } });

// now all the actions are mocked with jest.genMockFn();

# fakeFlux.genMocksForStoresAndActions()
# Mocks all the passed stores and actions` methods using jest.genMockFn(); If no stores passed, mocks all stores.
# @params: 	store names
# @returns: FakeFlux instance for chaning

var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ FooStore: new FooStore() }, { doFooAction: function() { } });

// now all the stores' and actions' methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();

Spy (StoreEmitSpy and ActionsDispatchSpy inherit from this prototype)

# Spy.__calls__ "private" reference to array of arguments of captured calls
# Spy.__captureCall "private" method to capture a call

Spy.__captureCall('bar', 'baz');

# Spy.getCalls()
# @returns: array of argruments of captured calls

// returns [['foo'], ['bar', 'baz']];

# Spy.getLastCall()
# @returns: array of parameters for last call

// returns ['bar', 'baz'];

# Spy.resetCalls();
# @returns: null

// now Spy.__calls__ is an empty array


Unit testing a store

describe('Testing MyStore', function() {
	var FluxxorTestUtils, fakeFlux, myStore, myStoreSpy;
	beforeEach(function() {
		FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils').extendJasmineMatchers(this);
		// now our jasmine matchers are available

		fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ MyStore: new require('../my-store')() });
		// now we have a FakeFlux instance that has .stores.MyStore

		myStore ='MyStore');
		// easier access to my store instance

		myStoreSpy = fakeFlux.makeStoreEmitSpy('MyStore');
		// now all our this.emit() calls from within the store are captured
	it('when dispatcher dispatches event of "foo event" with payload.value, it should set .getValue() and emit "change" event', function() {
		fakeFlux.dispatcher.dispatch({ type: "foo event", payload: { value: "new value" } });
		expect(myStore.getValue()).toBe('new value');
		// because we extended jasmine matchers, we can also do:

Unit testing actions

describe('Testing MyActions', function() {
	var FluxxorTestUtils, fakeFlux, myActionsSpy;
	beforeEach(function() {
		FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils').extendJasmineMatchers(this);
		// now our jasmine matchers are available

		fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({}, require('../my-actions'));
		// now we have a FakeFlux instance that has .actions set

		myActionsSpy = fakeFlux.makeActionsDispatchSpy();
		// now all our this.dispatch() calls from within the actions are captured
	it('when actions.doFoo() called with "foo value", it should dispatch "foo event" and { value: "foo value" }', function() {
		fakeFlux.actions.doFoo('foo value');
		expect(myActionsSpy.getLastCall()).toEqual(['foo event', { value: "foo value" }]);
		// or:
		expect(myActionsSpy).lastDispatchedWith('foo event', { value: "foo value" });

Unit testing a react component that uses Flux

describe('Testing my component', function() {
	var React, TestUtils, FluxxorTestUtils, fakeFlux, MyComponent;
	beforeEach(function() {
		React = require('react/addons');
		TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
		FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');
		fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils({ MyStore: new require('../my-store') }, require('../my-actions'));
		// now all store and action methods are mocked for testing

		MyComponent = require('../my-component');
	it('when mounted, it should call .getFooValue() on my store and set', function() {
		var store = fakeFlux.stores.MyStore; // easier reference to our store
		var component;

		store.getFooValue.mockReturnValue('value from store');
		component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(MyComponent({ flux: fakeFlux });
		expect('value from store');
	it('when mounted and clicked, should call actions.doFooAction()', function() {
		var component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(MyComponent({ flux: fakeFlux });;


test utilities for using fluxxor






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