Yii2 based simple shop example
View demo: backend: http://shopdemo2.epizy.com/demoshop3/backend/web/index.php/accounts
email: admin@gmail.com password: avs03021998
website: http://shopdemo2.epizy.com/demoshop3/frontend/web/
- clone github repository;
- execute command : composer install;
- go to cd C:\ ... repository and execute command : php init;
- in file : common\config\main-params.php change database configuration;
- execute command: yii migrate;
- in common\config\bootstrap.php add frontendWebroot and backendWebroot aliases (similar to samdark ecommerce project); if you upload project on hosting: in backend\views\layouts\main.php change link for website(frontend) : /main_folder/frontend/web (for example: http://shopdemo2.epizy.com/demoshop3/frontend/web/ link: 'Website' => '/demoshop3/frontend/web' )
Requirements: php >= 5.6.0 mysql >= 5.5
Notes: In user (not guest ) mode cart may be not working!