fortran sources are in TPMback-end java sources are in TPMfront-end users manual and example data sets are in docdata
the build directory contains some very basic batch files to build everything. 'maketpm.bat' is the main one. it requires:
- ant
- launch4j
- intel composer (fortran)
- WIX (to create the MSI)
It also requires an R installation with the following libraries. All these libraries must be installed within the main R library folder.
Formula Hmisc MASS Matrix R6 RColorBrewer Rcpp acepack base chron cluster colorspace data.table datasets digest fastcluster foreign gdata ggplot2 grDevices graphics grid gridExtra gtable gtools htmltools htmlwidgets httpuv jsonlite knitr lattice latticeExtra magrittr methods mice mime munsell nnet nnls plyr polynom princurve reshape rgl rpart scales shiny smacof splines stats survival tools utils weights xtable
Our release of TetraploidSNPMap can be downloaded from our website