=== Header Junk Remover ===
Contributors: Joseph Brzezowski ( https://github.com/avocadowebservices/Junk-Header-Remover )
== Description ==
The new beta plugin called Junk Header Remover for your wordpress site, all with one simple file. That simple!
== Installation ==
= To install the plugin via WordPress Dashboard: = ( COMING SOON )
- In the WordPress admin panel, navigate to Plugin > Add new
- Search for Junk Header Remover
- Click install and wait for the installation to finish. Next, click the activate link
= To install the plugin manually: =
- Download and unzip the plugin package - junk-header-remover.1.0.0.zip
- Upload the junk-header-remover to /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- The plugin will remove junk from the header in wordpress on the fly. no more editing or confusing.
== Frequently Asked Question ==
== Changelog ==
v1.0 - The new beta plugin is being released in beta stage.
== Upgrade Notice ==
== Requirements ==
To have this plugin to fuction, your wordpress version must be at least 6.0.0 or greater.
== Misc ==
Tags: header, junk, header, junk header, overhead, load time, speed, faster, save space, space, load speed, loading fast
Tested Version: Up to 6.0.0
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html