In this project I had to create a player (bot) that will fight other bots on the famous (or not) Filler board. The rules are simple: two players fight on a board and, in turn, must place the piece given to them by the game master (a Ruby executable), thereby scoring points. The game ends when a piece cannot be placed. A small fun game project.
git clone | cd 42-filler
cd resources
./filler_vm -f maps/map01 -p1 players/gmolin.filler -p2 players/superjeannot.filler | ./visual
The algorithm used for this project is pretty effective, but not efficient. I decided to stop working on the algorithm as soon as I achieved an average winning ratio of 80% against all bots, which were provided by the subject, on all maps.
Especially on map02 my algo becomes really slow and it surfaces the weak spots of my algorithm against more sophisticated algorithms by other players.
For future developments:
- Improve efficency and speed by improving placing strategy (placing first closer to the enemy, then fill the rest of the field)