COMSE-6998 SDN Project Fall 2014 Team: Avinash Sridhar (as4626), Nachiket Rau (nnr2107), Shruti Ramesh (sr3155), Sareena Abdul Razak (sta2378)
PLEASE NAVIGATE TO FINAL_PROJECT_FILES/ for all code work of project ##########################
Child Controller-1 : OF Port: 6633 REST: 8080 ########################## Child Controller-2 : OF Port: 6633 REST: 8080 ########################## Parent Controller (Base Machine): OF Port: 6633 REST: 8081 ##########################
Firstly, we need three VMS to run the two child controllers + parent controller. We can also use two VMs for Child Controllers and a parent controller on the base PC machine. We used the second scenario for testing, as three VM took up too much load on our Desktop. ##########################
Perform the same activity on Child-Controller-2 directory as you would with Child-Controller-1
a) Navigate to Child-Controller-1/
b) Ensure maven is installed. This is mandatory for the build. You can verify by doing 'mvn -version'
c) Run 'mvn clean install' or 'mvn clean package'
d) You should not see any compilation errors. Now navigate to 'distribution/opendaylight-osgi/target/distribution-osgi-1.0.0-osgipackage/opendaylight/ ' and execute the script. Controller will now start
e) Perform the same for Child-Controller-2 also
We can use any existing parent controller, as there is no special code for this.
You may clone the SDN-Hub-Tutorial and run this PARENT Controller on a separate VM or base machine PC. If you are running this on base machine PC,
git clone
be sure to modify the tomcat REST API port bindings to a port apart from 8080 else you will receive exceptions in log. To change this port, go to distribution/opendaylight-osgi/target/distribution-osgi-1.0.0-osgipackage/opendaylight/configuration/ and modify the tomcat-server.xml file and make tomcat listening port to 8081 or 8082.
Run mininet on a separate VM. In our testing we ran the mininet on ####################################
The MssM application is a java program and can be run the following ways: ####################################
- Copy the to Mininet machine. ####################################
- Compile the MssM --> sudo javac ####################################
- Run the MssM --> sudo java MssM ####################################
For any queries, please feel free to contact Avinash, Nachiket, Shruti, Sareena