This is a simple to-do-list webpage
- Check file to contribute
- Star this repository.
- Create an issue with the description of how you want to contribute to this project.
- Wait to be assigned.
- Then fork this repository.
- In the forked repository add your changes.
- Then make a pull request with the issue number.
- Pull request should have a screenshot of the changes you have made.
- Wait for review.
For contributing guidelines and standards, visit
For any concerns contact me here: - <br>
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(Must Check My Github for more cool stuff !)<br>
To run this website in a Docker container, follow these steps:
Clone this repo at :
Build the Docker image: docker build -t <your-image-name>
Run the container: docker run -d -p 8080:80 <your-conatainer-name>
You can access your website at: http://localhost:8080