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FaithInventory Infrastructure declares the cloud environment that hosts

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Project Description

The FaithInventory Infrastructure declares the cloud environment that hosts

The site is hosted using AWS CloudFormation.

The CloudFormation templates are located in the cloudformation directory.

The templates have codenames which represent the "elements" of the infrastructure. The names are:

stack file description
Global cloudformation/global.yaml The Global Stack that creates the Hosted Zone Id and TLS Certificate. These resources are shared across all Child Stacks and all Environments.

Environment cloudformation/environment.yaml The Parent Stack that nests all the child stacks. It handles all updates between child stacks.

PlatinumEnoch cloudformation/platinumenoch.template.yaml The Child Stack that holds the front-end application. Please note that this "template" template is designed to remove a circular dependency between this stack and BariumNahum.

PlatinumEnochS3Bucket Code Repo:

faithinventory-com-platinumenoch badge
ThalliumEli cloudformation/thalliumeli.template.yaml The Child Stack that holds the api microservices. Please note that this "template" template is designed to remove a circular dependency between this stack and BariumNahum.

ThalliumEliLambda Code Repo:

faithinventory-com-thalliumeli badge
BariumNahum cloudformation/bariumnahum.yaml The Child Stack that contains the application CDN.

ArgonTimothy cloudformation/argontimothy.yaml The Child Stack that maps the Hosted Zone Id and A Records to the CDN.


Here is a diagram of what the infrastructure looks like:

FaithInventory Infrastructure Diagram


Please note, a minimum of two environments have to be deployed, in the following order:

  1. <domainname-prefix>-global-stack
  2. <domainname-prefix>-<environment-a>-stack
  3. <domainname-prefix>-<environment-b>-stack[Optional]
  4. <domainname-prefix>-<environment-c>-stack[Optional] etc...

To deploy, follow these steps

1. Upload values to parameter store

run the following command: sh cp ./scripts/ ./scripts/ Then open './scripts/' and update the following:

environment variable description
global webhookId the id used to invoke the Gatsby Cloud webhook. This is found in the site settings.
prod emailAddress An environment credential needed for ThalliumEliSES to send magic link emails.
dev emailAddress An environment credential needed for ThalliumEliSES to send magic link emails.

After that, go to your terminal and run the following command: sh ./scripts/ <awsProfile>

2. Deploy the global stack

Next, run the following command: sh ./scripts/ global <awsProfile>

Then follow the 2 step installation process, which is:

Step 1 of 2 (AWS Route 53) Copy the DNS Addresses from the ${DOMAIN_NAME} Hosted Zone here: into your domain registrar's DNS records.

Step 2 of 2 (AWS Certificate Manager) Click '$DOMAIN_NAME' > 'Create Record in Route 53' for each pending validation here:

3. Deploy your environment stack.

To deploy an environment stack, run: sh ./scripts/ prod <awsProfile>


sh ./scripts/ dev <awsProfile>


sh ./scripts/ <some-other-environment> <awsProfile>


All non-production environments are secured with a Basic Authenticaion Request Header.

In order to create an username and password combination, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to ([]
  2. Click '<environmment>-PlatinumEnochBasicAuthTable' > 'Items'
  3. Click, 'Create Item', then add the following values, replacing <authUser> and <authPass> with strings from
name value
partitionKey 'published'
authUser <authUser>
authPass <authPass>

In order to add the <authPass>, you should: 4. Click the plus button to the left of "authUser". 5. In the drop-down box, Click 'Append' > 'String' 6. In the "field" input, "authPass" 7. In the "value" input, enter your random password string. 8. Click, 'Save'. 9. Now, navigate to <environment> and enter the <authUser> and <authPass>. You should now be able to sign into the lower environment.

To add, update and/or delete auth users at a later date, just edit the '<environment>-PlatinumEnochBasicAuthTable', accordingly.


Sometimes redeploying a child stack is prevented due to a Lambda@Edge reserved name from a previous deployment.

To enable new deployments to occur, follow these steps:

  1. open the ./scripts/ file to edit it.

  2. on line 7, update the CACHE_HASH value with a random string.

  3. re-run the deployment script, ie:

sh ./scripts/ prod <awsProfile>

Please keep in mind you should go into the AWS Lambda console and delete any Lambda@Edge functions that are not in use. You'll have to give AWS some time to free the function up to the point of being able to deleted. Sometimes it can take days!

More info about Lambda@Edge replicas and caching can be found at this link:

About the PlatinumEnochCacheInvalidator Lambda

The purpose of this lambda is to enable the PlatinumEnochS3Bucket to clear it's own cache. This is critical it receives s3 file syncs from Gatsby Cloud, and without this Lambda CloudFront would not know to clear its cache, thus preventing site updates to show.

The Lambda receives notifications from S3 via SQS.

The AWS Documentation says that SQS can detected when it's empty by analyzing the attributes:


If they evaluate to less than or equal to 1, then that means that the queue is empty or close to empty.

but after further analysis and development, it appears that the SQS object doesn't have the property, ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible. It only has ApproximateNumberOfMessages.

Therefore, we will just use the ApproximateNumberOfMessages value instead.

Next, because of the polling mechanism behind SQS, it inconsistenly reports the above attributes as less than or equal to 1. Polling is not an accurate way to assess what's left in the queue. It's only a guess unless the poll request happens to perfectly land on the last queue or so.

So the Lambda kicks off an invalidation at the start of every log group.

The idea here is the latency between the S3 Put Object event, the SQS delay, and time CloudFront takes to invalidate will be enough time to catch clear files on S3, even though the queue messages have not actually completed yet.

Just in case, if this is on the last or so queue message in the log group, kick off an invalidation.

Ultimately, this Lambda kicks off multiple CloudFront invalidations since multiple requests can pass this use-case.

In theory, it's better to kick off a few more invalidations than none at all. The limit of concurrent invalidations is 3000. Running 5-10 invalidations is a tolerable to perform CloudFront invalidations of S3.


FaithInventory Infrastructure declares the cloud environment that hosts







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