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A Discord bot to organize secret santa gift exchanges using the Python library + some other admin-type stuff for my server

  • This bot code must be pulled (or forked) and run locally
  • If you don't want the admin-type stuff, just go in and comment out the add_cog(SantaAdministrative(...)) line


  • python 3.6 or later (can be installed here)
  • pip3

Steps to run:

  1. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  2. Once all of the dependencies are installed, create a Discord bot token following the instructions here.

  3. Replace variables in (I have provided as an example)

    3a. Replace discord_token and client_id in with your bot token - these two are REQUIRED for all functionality and for the bot to even start

    3b. Replace other variables as you want

    - `role_channel` is REQUIRED for using reaction roles - will print an error in the console if left as -1
    - `prefix` change it to whatever you want otherwise commands default to YOUR_PREFIX_HEREjoin, YOUR_PREFIX_HEREunpin_all, etc.
    - `bot_folder` this is where the .cfg for the Secret Santa participants, the debug log, and the SQLite database files are stored
    - `cfg_name`, `dbg_name`, `sqlite_name` don't *need* to do anything here unless you want to
    - `min_budget`, `max_budget` are used for the Secret Santa functionality and can be changed depending on what your Discord server agrees upon.
  4. Run python3

Add a Systemd Service for SantaBot to Autostart on Reboot

To keep SantaBot running even after restart you can create a service.

  1. Copy the to /usr/local/bin/ directory
  • sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
  1. Edit in /usr/local/bin with your favorite editor to include the absolute path to the script. For example /home/pi/Santabot/ If you're not sure the absolute, in the Santabot directory type pwd
  • pwd /home/pi/Santabot

  • sudo nano /usr/local/bin/

      - while true
      - do
      	-    python3 /home/pi/Santabot/
      -    sleep 10
      - done
  1. Create a service file or edit the included santabot.service using your favorite text editor and add the default user name to User= and the Group they belong to in Group=. To find out what default group a user belongs use id -gn usernamehere
  • nano santabot.service

      - [Unit]
      - Description=Santa Discord Bot
      - [Service]
      - User= root
      - Group= root
      - Restart=on-abort
      - WorkingDirectory= "Full Path to Santa Bot Here"
      - ExecStart= /usr/local/bin/
      - [Install]
  1. Copy the santabot.service to /lib/systemd/system/
  • sudo cp santabot.service /lib/systemd/system/
  1. Enable the service so it will autostart on reboot, then start with the commands:
  • sudo systemctl enable santabot.service
  • sudo systemctl start santabot.service
  1. Then check the status
  • sudo systemctl status santabot.service
  1. When done using the bot for the season, to disable use both commands:
  • sudo systemctl disable santabot.service
  • sudo systemctl stop santabot.service


  1. What if my wishlist URL or preference is multiple words?
    • The bot supports that, just surround it with quotation marks. (e.g. s!setprefs dog "stuffed rabbit" cat)
  2. Does the wishlist have to be a URL? What if one of the Secret Santas prefers sending handmade gifts?
    • No that field is really about having a destination for users to send their gifts. Feel free to use addresses instead of URLs if you so desire. Keep in mind that addresses will need to follow question #1 of this FAQ (e.g. s!setwishlisturl amazonurl/123 "P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way" rightstufanime)

Secret Santa Commands:

  • s!join = join the Secret Santa
  • s!leave = leave the Secret Santa
  • s![setwishlisturl|swlurl] [wishlist URL] = set your wishlist URL (replaces current). You may also add your mailing address. wishlist URL is required.
  • s![getwishlisturl|gwlurl] = bot will PM you your current wishlist
  • s![setprefs|sprefs] [specific preferences, the things you like] = set preferences (replaces current). Put N/A if none. preferences are required.
  • s![getprefs|gprefs] = bot will PM you your current preferences
  • s![listparticipants|lp] (admin only) = get the current participants
  • s![totalparticipants|tp] = get the total number of participants
  • s!partnerinfo = be DM'd your partner's information
  • s!start (admin only) = assign Secret Santa partners
  • s!restart (admin only) = attempt to restart Secret Santa after pause without changing partners
  • s!pause (admin only) = pause Secret Santa (will require s!start and will reshuffle partners)
  • s!end (admin only) = end Secret Santa

Administrative Commands:

  • s!assign_role_channel CHANNEL (admin only) = change the channel the bot looks at for reaction roles
  • s!archive_pins SRC_CHANNEL DEST_CHANNEL (admin only) = archive all pins from the source channel to the destination channel as messages (ex. s!archive_pins #general #archive)
  • s!unpin_all [CHANNEL_ID] (admin only) = unpin all messages in the indicated channel (defaults to the channel the command is called in)

Utility Commands:

  • s!emote [any number of emotes] = returns the URL of the emote image/gif for convenience
  • s![countdown|cd] = set/check a countdown (global for the server, e.g. time until a Manga Club event) - help text is returns as needed

Miscellaneous Commands:

  • s!ping = check if bot is alive
  • s!echo = make the bot say stuff
  • s!ding = dong